Born in Kairouan in Tunisia, Fatima al-Fihri was the daughter of a wealthy Muslim merchant. Though there’s a lot of mystery surrounding this woman’s history, one thing is for certain—she established the al-Qarawiyyin mosque in 859 AD in Fez, Morocco. This mosque later became the fam...
CWomen play an important role in the history of America.Read about the information aboutthree important American women.Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-1910)C Women play an important role in the history of America. Read about the information about three important American women. Elizabeth Blackwell (1821-...
每空一词。Women have been successful in many important things in history. Let's look atsome of the women whose inventions and discoveries have made our lives better.Today, many people solve problems by using computers. This is thanks to GraceHopper. For some time, people thought computers ...
We celebrate International Women's Day to support those women and raise awareness that women are just as strong, smart and important as men.
Why wait until Women’s History Month to celebrate strong women? There are too many stories to read and find inspiration in to confine them to one month a year. Because their stories weren’t always considered important, the documentation of women’s accomplishments and what their lives were ...
set aside to honor women's contributions to American history. Mary Hays McCauley, also known asMolly Pitcher, is perhaps one of Cumberland Valley’s most famous women. Below we commemorate the vital role these equally important but often overlooked women played in Cumberland Valley's rich history...
For most of history, Virginia Woolf suggested, Anonymous was a woman. And for the most part, even those women whose names we know have not gotten their due. Celebrate some of the many women who have shaped our world with these profiles and biographies.
You may be thinking, "Why is this day so important?"你可能会想:“这天为什么这么重要?”Throughout history, women have had to fight for the freedom and rights we enjoy today.综观历史,女性必须奋斗争取我们今天享有的自由以及权利。150 years ago, women couldn't vote, stand in parliament, ...
Shaping History: The Impact of Women Architects in Post-Colonial South Asia November 08, 2024 Kamalapur Railway Station, Bangladesh. Image © Randhir Singh In the mid-twentieth century, a set of South Asian countries collectively experienced a catharsis from colonizers' rule. The period that foll...
Black women have played many important roles inU.S. historysince the days of the American Revolution. Many of these women are key figures in the struggle for civil rights, but they have also made major contributions to the arts, science, and civil society. Discover some of theseAfrican Americ...