The post on r/CHIBears, which focuses on the American football (not what they would call soccer) team Chicago Bears, argued that the ban was necessary given “the values of our team and history of players who fought in WW2.” Many other subreddits also mentioned the salute as the ...
cables, could be hard to control the winch driver needed all her skill and concentration to get the balloon off the ground or hauled back down again. These girls would need to work as a highly efficient team - a fraction of a second late and the two girls controlling the balloon could r...
as machinists, lumberjacks farmers, pilots, codebreakers and more, during World War 2. With the men, away fighting in World War 2, many women, were called upon to leave the homes and go to work, something not usually done, during that time period. The women workers were...
(Chafe, pg. 63) This attitude was seen in the salaries women throughout America received prior to and during the early part of the war in small communities and the United States Government. Even when faced with a shortage of man power most factories were reluctant to place women into physic...
Women Employment Rise During World War I Largely ignored by the Government, women did not become involved in war work on a huge scale until after the first year of war. To begin with their growth in the workplace was confined to the munitions factories and voluntary work. However, women wa...
She instead began to work on behalf of both Garvey and the UNIA-ACL as their first International Organizer and the second Vice-President. In August 1920 she was one of the signers of The Declaration of the Rights of the Negro Peoples of the World during the UNIA-ACL convention. At the ...
Do you know if working-class women from the UK worked in Hong Kong before WWII or during the war? I have conducted some preliminary research which says that British women did work as nannies and cooks at mainly ex pat homes in Hong Kong. I do know that more educated women were employed...
I’m reading the book Everyone Brave is Forgotten by Chris Cleave. It’s set in the UK during WW2 and I came across this line.“There are two kinds of dinner and two kinds of women. There is only one combination out of four where both will be rotten.’ ...
he felt the need to do more and enlisted into the Army Reserves. He was sent to Fort Polk, Louisiana for basic training. After that he returned back to Brooklyn to live and continue to work on Wall St. while reporting for military duty monthly at the Armory in Manhattan. ...
the college president criticized her wardrobe and attempted to dictate her style of dress during an assembly. Moots, after speaking her mind, stormed out, never to return. She returned to teaching and soon had a job in Bay City. While there, she became active in the Woman’s Christian Temp...