At times her behaviors put her at physical risk. These experiences reflect disrupted attunement, neglect, and self-harm. [Re: bodily needs] [re: eating] My willpower sucks. Sometimes I eat vegan, sometimes I had put on so much weight because I was eating all this junk. [Re: sexuality]...
Food may be eaten in the street, but meals usually are eaten at a table, with each person having his or her own plate and eating utensils. Bodily functions are considered inevitable but are not discussed or performed in public. Religion Religious Beliefs. The constitution guarantees religious...
Some fans thought that Haruka was depressed because Sakura was assigned to go to Korea to be a K-Pop star — and not her too. There was some discussion that she had developed aneating disorder,bulimiaand self-image problem. I found this troubling. This was the most common speculation. It...