The Women in Leadership conference provides attendees with strategies to become more effective leaders. The conference offers opportunities to connect, learn and have fun. Learn more LEADERSHIP SPONSORSHIP Show your support for female leadership. Become a sponsor of the Women in Leadership Conference. ...
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Bay Path University’s Women’s Leadership Conference (WLC) is the region’s premiere women’s leadership event, bringing a full day of professional development, personal enrichment, and valuable networking opportunities to more than 18,000 attendees. A WLC Sponsorship puts corpor...
A Conference: Equal opportunities for women and men in Bulgaria, Austria and the European Uniondoi:10.1016/j.eimc.2012.03.004HumansAnti-Bacterial AgentsAmbulatory CareAge DistributionSex DistributionAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overChildBACKGROUND: The objective of the study i...
As such, we found a significant positive relationship between the number of women organizing a symposium and the number of women speaking in that symposium. We did not, however, find a significant increase in the number of women speakers or organizers per symposium over time at either conference...
Senior Manager, Regulatory Compliance, Transocean “This was a great conference! I really enjoyed the networking opportunities and the speakers were excellent.” Compliance Analyst, Government of Canada
Public speaking is generally thought to be an important factor for career prospects and leadership positions. The ability to articulate publicly, clearly and eloquently, gives an important competitive advantage in a variety of job settings. While offering valuable opportunities, speaking in public is al...
With the largest data sets in the field, we ask: Which risqué sexual content do Sinophone (Chinese-speaking) and Anglophone (English-speaking) participants particularly enjoy in BL and does this differ between cultures?, and Are there sub-demographics in Sinophone and in Anglophone culture who ...
the IWEC conference promises to offer invaluable insights and opportunities for women entrepreneurs. Through discussions on topics such as resilience, innovation, and gender equality, participants will leave the conference equipped with the knowledge and tools to drive sustainable change in their communities...
Creating opportunities to connect with each other. They talk, they laugh, they relate. Getting audience members engaged and involved to make the presentation memorable so they have a blast! WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING Previous Next ABOUT PEGINE