dissolv-ing unity of, 127-133; crisis of mis-sions to, 169; opposed to progress,186; converts from, 222-261; planto conquer, 261-263.Ishmael, at well Zem-Zem, 12.Jati, conversion of, 234, 235.Java, state of women in, 65, 66.Jiddah, Adam and Eve at, tomb ofEve near, 12....
She said to Jesus, “I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into the world” (John 11:27). She had faith enough to do as he told her and roll back the stone of Lazarus’ tomb: she believed he was not only a great teacher but that he was Lord....
She ruled during Dynasty 1 (3000–2890 B.C.), at the very dawn of the Egyptian nation-state, when (as Cooney says) “kingship was new and brutal.” When her father, the revered King Djer died, her brother Djet inherited the throne from him. Soon after, he asked Merneith to be h...
因此有人认为,耶稣在逾越节被杀死,并在这一天复活具有深远的意义,耶稣的复活日是星期日,后被基督教定为“复活节”, "The New Testament Holy Bible" records, after Jesus died is interred nearby each every him a tomb chamber, and reactivates after three days.In future he will return to Galilee and...
The women watching their Savior being laid to rest in death…rested on the Sabbath. Am I the only one blown away by this little detail? These women have just experienced the greatest disappointment of their lives. As far as they could see (before Jesus opened their eyes), their faith was...
Silverman, Sarah: Jesus Is Magic B-/C+/C+ S1m0ne B+/B/B- Simon Sez A-/A-/D- Simple Favor, A [Blu-Ray] B+/B/A- Simple Plan, A: Collector's Edition [4K UHD] B-/B-/B Simpsons, The: The Complete First Season C/B/B Simpsons, The: The Complete Second Season C+/B/B Si...
left home at the age of seven to be raised by the State in the agoge (the rigorous education program for all Spartan men). But as the cliche goes, behind every great man is a great woman. And it cannot be ignored that the strong Spartan women were the backbone of the warrior state....
5 He bent over and looked in at the strips of linen lying there but did not go in. 6 Then Simon Peter came along behind him and went straight into the tomb. He saw the strips of linen lying there, 7 as well as the cloth that had been wrapped around Jesus...
She even became an ancestor of Jesus through Boaz's family line. Photo Credit: Thinkstock-AntGor 5. Hannah After many years of longing for a child, Hannah knew that God was the only one who could hear her prayer. She trusted His ability to work on her behalf, even when she didn’t...
Matthew’s Jesus claimed that prostitutes will enter heaven before the Pharisees. Luke related the story of such a prostitute washing the feet of Jesus while he had dinner at the home of a Pharisee. She applied perfume and wiped his feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-49). The interpretation...