近5年来,牛津大学女性,性别与性研究硕士的总体申请人数增加,其中中国申请者增长速度较快。但中国学生的录取情况不太积极,一方面该专业总体录取率较低,另一方面中国学生自身竞争力不强,中国申请者未来要着重思考该如何强化除专业、学历和院校之外的能力。 牛津大学 MSt in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 女性...
2005; Richardson and Robinson 2008; and Lips 2013 foreground an overview of the key findings and empirical insights of women’s and gender studies across a range of topics (and are thus well suited to undergraduate students or those encountering the field for the first time). Women’s and ...
Connell, Raewyn. 2009.Gender: In world perspective. Cambridge, MA: Polity. One of the most popular introductions to women’s and gender studies. Written by a leading theorist of gender and masculinities, it is accessible and short but captures complexity in a nuanced way; it is easy to read...
Topics covered in these studies include politics and the state; work and livelihoods; religion; health; gender-based violence and in the last few decades, gender and development policy and practice; sexualities and bodily integrity; and women's organizing. We conclude by suggesting how WGS have ...
Gale provides useful resources for topics related to gender studies and women's studies. Explore databases, collections, & other publications.
哥伦比亚大学哥伦比亚学院妇女和性别研究Women's and Gender Studies 位于妇女、性别和性研究研究所内,并与巴纳德学院的妇女、性别和性研究系合作授课,妇女和性别研究计划为学生提供了对女权主义的文化和历史背景、理论上多样化的理解。奖学金及其对学科的贡献。该计划向学生介绍了关于自然、权力的文化和历史表征以及差异的...
授课语言:英语 优势专业: 年均学费:加币 11000 录取要求: TOEFL:82 LELTS:6.5分 院校简介 专业设置 师生情况 相关费用 录取要求 学术信息 就业情况 院校动态 专业情况 专业名称:女性及性别研究(Women and Gender Studies) 专业方向:社科 学位类型:本科
Field of Study: Women's Studies Length: 4 Year(s)Description: Engage in critical understandings of feminist scholarship across different historical, socio-economic, cultural and political contexts. Consider how gender intersects with race, class, ethnicity, age, ability and sexuality in a globalized...
院校简介 专业设置 师生情况 相关费用 录取要求 学术信息 就业情况 院校动态 专业情况 专业名称:女性及性别研究(Women and Gender Studies) 专业方向:社科 学位类型:本科 学制: 48个月 院校动态 其他同类别院校 维多利亚大学 圣安妮大学 魁北克大学三河分校 卡普顿大学 爱德华王子岛大学 戴尔豪斯大学 关于...
"Women's and Gender Studies is an ever-changing field of academic inquiry that was born out of women's movement organizing in Western countries within and outside colleges and universities in the late 1960s and 1970s. The story surrounding the development of Women's and Gender Studies is oft...