Kumar, who was the youngest minister in the Delhi government, has refuted the allegations, saying he was not the man in the video, and has alleged that he is being targeted because he belongs to a Dalit (lower caste) family. But Kejriwal took a strong stance and suspended him from the...
Ministry of Women and Child Development: Girl Child in the Eleventh Five year Plan (2007-2012), Sub Group Report, 2007.Girl Child in the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012). Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi....
In recognition of the Indian situation, the report of the sub-committee about a system of Indian National Accounts (Government of India, 2015) includes unpaid SNA as well as unpaid household workers in its ambit, thereby treating both as part of the continuum of women’s work. In case of ...
The extent to which women in India occupy sufficient and important leadership positions in the government and hold powerful positions in the political system has a direct bearing on the socio-economic and political development of the nation. With this backdrop, we provide a historical review of wo...
Government of India Ministry of Women & Child Development (2016) Revised Guidelines and Application format on Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women: 1 Guidelines on Women's Empowerment (https://www.un.org/popin/unfpa/taskforce/guide/iatfwemp.gdl.html) Hironaka K (1986) A study...
Consistently assisted by a scholarship from the centre, she completed her schooling from Balvant Rai Mehta Vidya Bhavan and then went ahead to study Philosophy from the highly reputed Lady Shri Ram College of Delhi University. After completion of her Master’s Degree, she is now preparing for ...
No government anywhere across the domino landscape of revolutionary Middle East today will step in and proclaim the equal rights of women, and actually proceed to bequeath those rights to them. Not without the sustained and committed pressure of regular men and women in society at large – who ...
Gender Inequality: Man and woman are both equal and both plays a vital role in the creation and development of their families in a particular and the society in general Arrest of Fair Sex Fairly: Under Article 14 of Indian constitution men and women are equal but simultaneously Article15 (3...
Through refundme.in, she has given suggestions to the government, and the efforts have helped the government revise theAir Passenger Charter Act.Akanksha Anshu has been featured by many media platforms like ETWealth, BW Disrupt, Business Insider and more for her contributions to theAviation Industr...
Amongst the findings of these studies are that women in politics have influenced the passage of abortion laws in the US; equal inheritance rights legislation, the reporting of crime against women, and the promotion of public health inputs to child survival in India; government spending on childca...