Blood tests: Blood tests may show certain proteins called tumour markers that are produced by cancer cells. One tumour marker test used in endometrial cancer diagnosis is called CA-125. A very high CA-125 indicates that the cancer has likely spread beyond the uterus. Doctors may repeat this t...
National guidance Endometrial hyperplasia is grouped into two types—atypical and non-atypical. Atypical carries an increasedcancer risk, while non-atypical indicates that the womb lining is thicker than normal but less likely to become cancerous. UK-wide guidance for the care of those with endometr...
do. Did I want to know if I was at risk? I was terrified what I might find out, but I have three sons, Adam, 17, Jamie, 14 and Ryan, 8, and I couldn't bear them watching me go through what Mum had.I had a blood test at Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge, in August 1999....
Sweden, and Gerald E. Loeb, Professor of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Southern California, were trying to understand the complex structure of the nervous system —and set out to answer this question: "How and why do strong, spontaneous muscle contractions arise...
"I looked down and there was blood on my trousers to my knees" Lydia Brain, 26, was diagnosed with womb cancer in November 2016 when she was 24. She first began experiencing symptoms at 21 – heavy periods and bleeding after sex – and by the time she was 22 these became impossible ...
Another test found that he had adult-onset diabetes. Carter had no reason to suspect it, but his illnesses may not stem from the usual culprits: genetic defects, unhealthy living or environmental toxics. Cutting-edge research suggests instead that the roots of both his high blood pressure ...
The researchers measured 11 proteins found in the cord blood of 449 healthy newborn babies from theBern Basel Infant Lung Development (BILD) cohort study. The BILD study, started in 1999 in Bern, aims to recruit 1000 babies by 2025. It is investigating the effects of genetics and the enviro...
withered after three months because the blood vessels used to connect it were too narrow and became blocked.Last August, Mrs Sert, a housewife, became the first woman in the world to receive a womb from a dead donor in the Turkish city of Antalya.The true test of success will come later...
blood measurements of antiretrovirals at birth, which are expensive and cumbersome to collect, still only reflect exposure to the babies over the short-term. And collecting hair levels is a much easier technique for monitoring drug exposure levels in infants, especially when compared to blood draws...
DANGER; Passive Smoke Causes Cancer of Womb, Liver, Kidneys, BloodSECOND-HAND tobacco smoke definitely does cause lung cancer, experts said yesterday.Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)