Woman in Gold 以下是抄自豆瓣的故事简介 “犹太裔美国妇女玛丽亚(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 饰)为讨回在第二次世界大战中被纳粹掠走的传家宝——《艾蒂儿肖像一号》,向年轻律师兰迪(瑞恩·雷诺兹 Ryan Reynolds 饰)求助,兰迪被名画不凡的价值与传奇的经历所吸引,决定陪玛丽亚追讨名画... (展开) ...
Woman in Gold: Simon Curtis द्वारा निर्देशित. Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl, Katie Holmes के साथ. मारिया अल्टमैन, एक ऑक्ट
Woman in Gold: Directed by Simon Curtis. With Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl, Katie Holmes. Maria Altmann, an octogenarian Jewish refugee, takes on the Austrian government to recover artwork she believes rightfully belongs to her family.
an Austrian Jewish immigrant and niece of the famous ‘Woman in Gold’ of Klimt’s painting who, with the help of Randy Schoenberg (Ryan Reynolds,The Voices), began a lengthy court battle with the Austrian government to reclaim the artwork which the Nazis stole from her family. ...
Movie review of Woman in Gold (2015) by The Critical Movie Critics | A Jewish woman fights the Austrian government to recover a painting stolen by the Nazis.
Woman in Gold: Regia di Simon Curtis. Con Helen Mirren, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Brühl, Katie Holmes. Maria Altmann, una rifugiata ebrea ottantenne, assume il governo austriaco per recuperare opere d'arte che ritiene appartengano di diritto alla sua famigl
Decades later, determined to salvage some dignity from her past, Maria has taken on a mission to reclaim a painting the Nazis stole from her family: the famous Lady In Gold, a portrait of her beloved Aunt Adele. Partnering with an inexperienced but determined young lawyer Ryan Reynolds, ...
Was the painting's title really changed to "The Woman in Gold"? Not exactly. Bruno Grimschitz, the Nazi curator at the Austrian Gallery, first changed the name of the painting to "Golden Portrait" and later to "The Lady in Gold." As emphasized in the movie, this was done to hide th...
Not that much. I did like the [“Woman in Gold”] painting, I had seen it, but I was no means an expert on any of it. I come from a Jewish family in the UK, so those themes meant a lot to me, and the idea that the Jewish community and Vienna being destroyed almost overnight...
Learn about the Jewish refugee whose painting of her aunt was stolen by Nazis and inspired the 2015 movie starring Helen Mirren. By Catherine McHughUpdated: Sep 30, 2020 1:29 PM EDTPhoto: Lawrence K. Ho/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images The titular character in Woman in Gold is Adele ...