For weeks leading up to my move, Lee had been telling me that I seemed so “calm” for someone who had recently quit her job (without having secured a new one) and was moving all of her worldy possessions into a new home. And you know what? I kind of agreed with his level of ...
The prevalence of transgender people in our communities is a hotly debated subject and one which is subject to several studies that are each seen as underestimates by the next one to be carried out. Numbers are made all the more likely to be on the low side by the difficulty of polling p...
I saw a headline months ago about how (at the time of publication), it was estimated that the Israeli occupation forces had wiped 902 families from the civil registry, and I wanted to write something flowery about the one remaining long-lost aunt in the 901st family watering a mint plant ...
I finally had a nice, warm security blanket to wrap myself up in. Or so I thought. I do find it ironic, however, that the circumstance I once deemed to be so completely “secure,” was actually anything but. I waltzed, (quite nonchalantly) through the door on a Wednesday morning, ...
In his “ Histories”, Herodotus describes how women “are continually entering and leaving this place. Whenever a woman comes here and sits down, she may not return home until one of the strangers has tossed silver into her lap and has had intercourse with her outside the sanctuary”. The...
I was just finished with my Gemini man of 5 years, a superficial guy. We had a turbulent relationship. This Scorpio has always been there, observing me through the turbulence. However, once he knew it was over, he jumped straight in. He did not express his love at first, but I knew...
The house faced south-east, Juliet lay in her bed and watched him rise. It was as if she had never seen the sun rise before. She had never seen the naked sun stand up pure upon the sea-line, shaking the night off himself, like wetness. And he was full and naked. And she wanted...
Jennifer Allis Provost writes books about faeries, orcs and elves. Zombies too. She grew up in the wilds of Western Massachusetts and had read every book in the local library by age twelve. (It was a small library). An early love of mythology and folklore led to her epic fantasy series...
Still in flashback, Mom had taken her daughter to a temple and prayed for her to get into a university — any university. Instead, Bong-soon had asked the statue of Buddha, “You can do whatever you like about the college thing. But please, let me become In Gook-doo’s girlfriend....
there is a bit of comfort to be found in the fact that this MUST be a somewhat common occurrance in social settings. I only wish that I had the guts to confront “Bradley” the way Elaine eventually does with her problematic rude dude… ELAINE: So, I had what you might call a ...