In fairness he made the most of his appearance and pay packet, but dress a frog up in Ralph Lauren or Georgio Armani and at the end of the night you’re still with a frog. What was even worse was I met this particular man when I worked at the theatre come late night bar where me...
That would become a theme. Pregnancy. Breastfeeding. Postpartum depression. My body’s reaction to birth control pills. Countless books and magazine articles assured me that these things were no walk in the park. Not knowing that I was autistic, I had no idea that I might be having a rou...
She gave birth to me at the age of 20. In common with most women of her age in the countryside, my mom didn’t receive much education. But compared with others my mom is more optimistic. After my birth, she determined to study in a medical college so that she could build her own ...
If it's the first then I'd be waking him up with the big light on and his bag handed to him and all the rest of his crap so he can go home permanently. If it's your shared home tho he has as much right to be there as you have. You could string her along with a few lead...
In a nest of foam mattresses stolen from the burnt out abandoned hotel across the road ,wrangled down rusty fire escapes while I was drunk off my ass, I fell in larcenous lust with the majestic music that had happened long before my blighted birth. The specter of thick chemical smoke hau...
The victim of a 1994 cold case death in Riverside, California has been identified as an elderly woman who was originally from Oneida, according to authorities. Patricia Cavallaro, born on March 22, 1937 in the city of Oneida, was recently identified after police used DNA evidence to make the...
“Behind every successful woman is a best friend giving her crazy ideas.” — Unknown If I Had a Dollar... Jokes If I had a dollar every time a woman called me handsome... I would have one dollar... thanks, mom... If I had a nickel for every time a woman thought I was ugly...
Facebook know my age and date of birth. They have had this data since I signed up for the website, 15 years ago. They know exactly how old I am. They also know where I live. Hell, sometimes I used to check into places with my location on. Despite knowing I am way north of 30...
Elizabeth Quinn: [to Mike] There was no greater moment in my life, then the moment when I gave birth to you. Elizabeth Quinn: [to Preston] You will wait you turn, young man, and be pleasant doing so! Dr. Michaela 'Mike' Quinn: [to Sully] It's been a while since we've had ...
Rosa was the only cat who gave birth to her kittens in our house. And what an event it was! We had prepared several places for the big event, but of course she had her babies squeezed between the bookshelf and the radiator, on the 4th November. On the 5th November there was a Guy...