In that moment there was no giggle to suppress but looking back, my relief there was an end to the evening in sight had me as overjoyed as the girl that escaped the house of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Squatting slightly, bending over the bed and supporting my weight with my arms stre...
She sat her little girl on the floor where she rolled onto her back with a giggle. "I think they're trying to keep us busy until they figure out what to do with us. There's some major project going on there at the moment. Very hush hush. One whole hangar has been completely ...
I spluttered my apologies and paddled away embarrassed. “Did you enjoy that” giggled Tessa, who had watched the whole incident unravel from a distance. Eric diverted along a back road on the way back. We were itching to see a puma, and he assured us they were regularly seen there, ...
7:30 a.m.We wake up without a mote of awkwardness and giggle over the contents of the night before. The conversation ends with him off-loading in my face. Good morning! 12:59 p.m.PB has to head home today for work. He thanks me for the adventurous experience and for putting so m...
Dean Witter Reynolds was a brokerage firm that traded stocks, shares and commodities. I used to have to suppress a giggle every time I heard someone talking about “pork bellies” as I’d only ever heard the expression in the 1980s movieTrading Places. They asked me to become permanent whi...
I gave a small giggle before running towards him tripping a little and running as if I were drunk. 308 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield: Creates a Contrast Between the Bland Ordinariness of a Cup of Tea But the shopman had already bowed as ...
The Titan beetle is an insect to be reckoned with: When cornered, it will make a hissing sound to ward off predators, and its jaw isstrong enough to penetrate human skinif necessary. This beetle is also so large that it cannot take off through wing power alone; it needs to first launch...
Utah has its fair share of giggle-worthy town names, which you can find HERE. Vemont Canva Vemont Fun Fact: You can earn a master's degree from the Bread Loaf School of English. Virginia Canva Virginia Fun Fact: The roads in the area around Lick Skillet form a shape that actually...
Yes, I’m going to take a second to giggle about a man calledKirschworking againstcherrypicking, because I’ve just read a book I hate and I need a bit of levity in my life. By all means, be critical of evidence, any evidence. It’s how science thrives and how medical treatments ...
In the video, as my mother finishes a verse, Milo lets out a triumphant giggle, if not his first, then his first recorded on video. It is a miracle. It one of the first communications he has made that is not an expression of need. But the best part is what happens next. My mothe...