Wolfs follows the After Hours template of taking place throughout a single night, with George Clooney and Brad Pitt being joined by a rotating cast of supporting characters. The longest, and arguably best, sequence of Wolfs is the hotel-set first act, where the two cleaners compete for the ...
George Clooney as a fixer? "Wolfs" is not, in fact, the sequel to the former Batman's excellent 2007 legal thriller "Michael Clayton." It does, however, reunite Clooney with his "Ocean's" trilogy costar Brad Pitt for the kind of original adult genre film that's in short supply these...
Hold the Darkfeels like the umpteenth variant on the “small towns hold infinite hidden darkness” theme that stretches from strange film classics like 1968’sThe Swimmerto iconic TV series likeTwin Peaksto modern films like George Clooney’s unbalancedSuburbicon. The story certa...