读音:英['wʊlvəriːn] 美['wʊlvərin] wolverine 基本解释 n. [动]狼獾,豹熊,狼獾皮 wolverine 网络释义 n. 狼獾;狼獾皮;豹熊;貂熊裘 wolverine 词性变化 名词复数形式:wolverines 中文词源 wolverine 狼獾 词源同wolf,用于指一种像狼的动物。
Their robust bone structure and powerful musculature have given them the capability to tackle significantly larger animals such as reindeer, with an almost rabid ferocity; something which is unmatched in any niche in the tropics. Not only is this animal capable of tackling prey that would destroy ...
2048x1536 Wolverine. Animal, Wild animals and Wild life"> Get Wallpaper 1024x768 Lord Carthage the Wolverine"> Get Wallpaper 2000x1000 Wolverine comes from the weasel family, and isn't even a wolf"> Get Wallpaper 1188x792 Download Wolverine Animal Wallpaper Gallery"> ...
Over 900 fans have voted on the 60+ items on Best Wolverine Versions Of All Time. Current Top 3: Wolverine, X-Men: The Animated Series, Old Man Logan
Wolf vs. Wolverine Wolf and wolverine are types of medium-sized mammals. Despite similar names, they are not closely related. Wolf is a canid (member of the family Canidae), while wolverine belongs to the weasel family. Wolverine inhabits boreal forests and subarctic tundra of Europe, Asia...
Over 900 fans have voted on the 60+ items on Best Wolverine Versions Of All Time. Current Top 3: Wolverine, X-Men: The Animated Series, Old Man Logan
Honey Badger Vs Wolverine We’ll pit honey badger and wolverine against each other in this section. Strength The wolverine generally weighs much more between these two animals and even is larger than the honey badger. The wolverine has a unique set of teeth with their molars reversed by 90 de...
Once a year Wolverine ventures into the woods on Native American land to remind himself that he is more of a man than an animal after a Native man helped to remind him of that fact during a period when he was more feral, in part by imparting the 'wise tale' of the 'two dogs' "In...
Wolverine facts and photos of the cantankerous, tough and playful animal, the wolverine is a member of the weasel family...
Kokkupandav koopia Wolverine‘i küünistega kindast Marvel Studiose 1997. aasta X-Meni telesarjast. Kogutav mudel koos poseeritavate küünistega täiskasvanud entusiastidele