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So, what happened to the badass in boots? 矢志田大人是个传统的人 Master Yashida is traditional. 既怀念过去又紧盯未来 One eye on the past and the other on the future. 爷爷您还活着我不要 生きたから そんなお爺様 这必须由你来做 お前でなければできない 那是真理子他的孙女 That's Mari...
So, what happened to the badass in boots? 矢志田大人是个传统的人 Master Yashida is traditional. 既怀念过去 又紧盯未来 One eye on the past and the other on the future. 爷爷 您还活着 我不要 生きたから そんなお爺様 这必须由你来做 ...
So, what happened to the badass in boots? 话说那个穿靴子的小子现在咋了? Master Yashida is traditional 矢志田大人就算足不出户也能 One eye on the past and the other on the future. 运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外 That's Mariko, his granddaughter. 那是真理子 矢志田大人的孙女 ...
我的靴子招你惹你了So, what happened to the badass in boots? 矢志田师傅是个传统的人Master Yashida is traditional. 回顾过去的时候不忘展望未来One eye on the past and the other on the future. 那是真理子 他的孙女That's Mariko, his granddaughter. ...