Wolfram|Alpha理解自然语言精心策管的数据和知识动态计算可视化计算结果 Pro 移动应用程序 产品 商务 API 与开发人员解决方案 LLM 解决方案 资源与工具 关于 联系我们 关注我们 ©2025Wolfram Alpha LLC 使用条款 隐私政策 wolfram.com Wolfram 语言 Mathematica ...
2、代数、函数、方程(1)因式分解:factor ___(2)解方程:直接输方程就行(3)图像:直接输函数或方程就行(4)求方程的整数解:solve _ over the integers 来自Android客户端5楼2018-08-19 16:11 收起回复 经验加三告辞 知名人士 11 (5)求导函数:derivative of _(一阶导),second derivative of (二阶导)(...
用Wolfram|Alpha 求积分 卓越的在线积分计算器 Wolfram|Alpha 是一款优秀的计算工具,可用来计算反导数和定积分、双重和三重积分以及反常积分。通过显示绘图、替代形式和其他相关信息提高你的数学直觉思维能力。 进一步了解 Integrals ©2025Wolfram Alpha LLC
Solve求的是方程所谓的通用解. 这些解只依赖于在第二个参数中指定的变量. 例如: Copy to clipboard. In[10]:= Direct link to example Out[10]= 不管y取何值,x为零就使方程得以求解. 但仍有另一个解取决于y: 即y为 0. 将y添加到第二个参数使得这个解出现: ...
Wolfram|Alpha 笔记本版更是如此,Wolfram|Alpha 可以让您用自然语言提问,然后将问题翻译成 Wolfram 语言并计算出答案。但在聊天笔记本中,您不仅可以提出具体问题。相反,通过 LLM,您可以就您想做的事情“开始聊天”,然后让 Wolfram 语言代码生成并执行: 工作流程通常如下。首先,你必须用计算术语概念化你想要的东西。(...
百度了一下,一维积分方程可以用Sovle求解,但对于我的问题却失效了,以下是代码: eqn = {Integrate[f[x]/(2\[CenterDot]\[Pi]) 1/(x1 - x), {x, 0, c}] == Subscript[V, \[Infinity]] \[Alpha], f[0] == Infinity, f[c] == 0} Solve[eqn, f[x]] 求问mathematica怎么求解积分方程qvq...
NSolve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to NSolve. Out[2]= NSolve[4 Cos[r] == r, r] FindRootuses numerical methods for starting at an initial value for the independent variable and locating a solution: ...
Wolfram Alpha APK is the most ideal approach to finding a solution to your question. Wolfram Alpha presents all the questions in the field of Android user compu
Wolfram|Alpha APIs Overview Documentation Wolfram|Alpha LLM APIReference Get results optimized for use by a large language model with the LLM API. Built on the same technology as theFull Results API, the LLM API is built for use specifically with large language models and chat products. It is...
of triangles and the applications of these relationships. The field is fundamental to mathematics, engineering and a wide variety of sciences. Wolfram|Alpha has comprehensive functionality in the area and is able to compute values of trigonometric functions, solve equations involving trigonometry and ...