Function Repository:DirectionParametricPlot3DSectionParametricPlot3DEnneperWeierstrassRuledSurfacePlot 历史 1991年引入(2.0)|在以下年份被更新:2007(6.0)▪2010(8.0)▪2012(9.0)▪2014(10.0)▪2016(11.0)▪2019(12.0)▪2022(13.1) 按以下格式引用:Wolfram Research (1991),ParametricPlot3D,Wolfram 语言函数,ht...
DensityPlot—函数 的密度图 DensityPlot3D—函数 的密度图 SliceDensityPlot3D—函数 切片曲面上的密度图 ParametricPlot—二维参数曲线或区域 ParametricPlot3D—三维参数曲线或区面 PolarPlot▪ RevolutionPlot3D▪ SphericalPlot3D NumberLinePlot—由方程、不等式和区间定义的一维区域 ...
Plotting & Graphics Plotting and graphing are methods of visualizing the behavior of mathematical functions. Use Wolfram|Alpha to generate plots of functions, equations and inequalities in one, two and three dimensions. Gain additional perspective by studying polar plots, parametric plots, contour plots...
升级到 PRO 应用程序 导览parametric plot (cos^3 t, sin^3 t)自然语言 数学输入扩展键盘示例上传随机
3D 列印指南 曲線擬合與近似函數指南 Live Playground This is an interactive notebook—try making your own changes! Continue exploring more examples:Things to Try Wolfram 有限元法文檔 Wolfram 有限元法是Wolfram 語言的部分匯集。完整的系統包含 6,000 多個內建函數,涵蓋所有計算領域 — 都經過精心整合,因此...
適合程度從中學生到高級數學研究人員。 幾個世紀的數學發展融合為一組極為強大,與高級視覺化和即時計算的內建資料緊密整合的函數。 開始使用 微積分 結合使用強大的符號和數值方法來計算微積分中的極限、導數、積分和其他概念,以獲得最佳結果。 微積分指南
Is there anything wrong in my code or the plot was done using something other than parametric plot? Reply | Flag 2 Replies Sort By: Replies Likes Recent 0 Dean Gladish, Posted 4 months ago Hello, Thank you for your question. I noticed that the initial approach ...
Computational Thinking Data Science Education Future Perspectives Historical Perspectives Language & Communication Life & Times Life Science Mathematica Mathematics New Kind of Science New Technology Personal Analytics Philosophy Physics Ruliology Software Design Wolfram|Alpha Wolfram Language Other | × View...
Well, one feature of Wolfram|Alpha is that it includes by far the most completehandling of unitsever. I used to think units were comparatively simple. But I now know they’re messy and complicated, not least because to be at all usable in practice, people have to be able to refer to ...
对于三维区域,方法 "ContourPlot3D" 基于ContourPlot3D: In[1]:= Out[1]= PlotTheme(2) 使用具有网格线和图例的主题: In[1]:= Out[1]= 使用主题绘制线框: In[1]:= Out[1]= PrecisionGoal(1) 使用PrecisionGoal 确保离散边界与精确边界接近: In[1]:= Out[1]= 具有较高的 PrecisionGoal 的离...