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graph sin t + cos (sqrt(3)t) plot 4/(9*x^(1/4)) Specify an explicit range for the variable: plot e^x from x=0 to 10 Plot a realâ€valued function: real plot -(sqrt(25-y^2)) Plot a special function: Plot several functions: plot sin x, cos x, tan x...
GraphPlot[g] 产生图 g 的图线. GraphPlot[{e1, e2, …}] 绘制边为 ei 的图. GraphPlot[{…, w[ei], …}] 绘制带有由符号封装 w 定义的特色的 e i. GraphPlot[{v i 1 -> v j 1, …}] 使用规则 vik -> vjk 指定图 g. GraphPlot[m] 使用邻接矩阵 m 指定图 g.
MoleculeGraph ▪ ConnectedMoleculeComponents ▪ MoleculeProperty ▪ AtomList ▪ BondList ▪ BondCount ▪ AtomCount ▪ BondQ ▪ FindIsomers ▪ MoleculeDraw ▪ MoleculeRecognize ▪ MoleculeName ▪ MoleculeAlign ▪ MoleculeMaximumCommonSubstructure ▪ "MOL" ▪ "MOL2" ▪ "SDF"...
As of Version 10, all the functionality of the GraphUtilities package is built into the Wolfram System. >>
We had a massive amount of astronomical data when we first launched Wolfram|Alpha, but over the summer and fall we added a great number ofsolar system features, including maps of planets, data about craters of planets and moons, and detailed information about Jupiter’s Great Red Spot. We’...
And in late 1991 and early 1992 we worried a lot about how to draw the “mesh” between cells. A first thought was just to use a thin black line. But that obviously wouldn’t work, because it wouldn’t separate black cells. And we soon settled on a GrayLevel[.15] line, which was...
centroids_popularity # Use Matplotlib to draw a histogram clustering.plot_centroids_popularity() # Export a NetworkX graph of the clusters g = clustering.network # Get members of a specific cluster first_members = clustering.members_of(centroid_keys[0]) # Deepen into that cluster, splitting it...
Every second of every day there is new data flowing into the Wolfram Knowledgebase that powers Wolfram|Alpha and Wolfram Language. Needless to say, it takes a lot of effort to keep everything as correct and up to date as possible. But beyond this, we continue to p...
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