Share The summer TV season officially kicks off this week, and TVLine has a fewdemandshumble requests for 16 upcoming series, both new and returning. RELATED |Save the Dates! 80+ June Premieres and Finales A real-life girlfriend forTeen Wolf‘s Stiles, an even-brighter spotlight onSuits‘...
All in all, "9 Crimes" was a sensational installment that offered up a whole slew of compelling storylines for multiple characters while keeping the action moving swiftly along. Four episodes in, Season Three ofTrue Bloodis already looking to be an extraordinarily strong season, even as the wo...
Katie June 27, 2013 at 1:38 PM Intrigued by your Suits scoop! Will we find out in the first episode or not until later in the season? Can’t wait for July 16! Reply Mel June 28, 2013 at 8:38 AM I predict Jessica. Reply M3rc Nate June 30, 2013 at 12:56 AM Except she...