I enjoy making my own worlds, my own stories, my own premises, and everything in my books. Things to note about me: I have difficulty identifying and expressing my emotions, find it difficult to tell if people are joking and tend to take jokes too seriously, and do not li...
For complete game rules, consult the Classic BattleTech rule books published by Catalyst Game Labs. These books include Total Warfare, Tactical Operations, and Strategic Operations. RUNNING MEGAMEK Java programs run in their own environment, called a Virtual Machine or VM for short. These Java VMs...
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Suits Star Gabriel Macht Books Arc on NBC Spinoff — Watch Teaser Video 9 Comments 112 Comments Comments are monitored, so don’t forkin' curse and don’t bore us with how much your coworker’s sister-in-law makes per hour. Talk smart about TV! Comment * Name * Email * Your ema...
I’ll give them one thing: if I cooked the books like they do I would land in jail in under 24 hours. But us Westerners have always looked at Asia with our jaws resting on the floor. Simon Leys is still absolutely right: we bel...