骑驴找马的他来到一家小公司,随即发现了一片新大陆。 这些小公司靠卖一文不值的垃圾股(低价股票,又称仙股“penny stocks”)能够赚取百分之五十的佣金; 而小李子之前在大公司卖的蓝筹股的佣金是百分之一。 他瞬即嗅到了巨大的商机。 当然,这些小公司面临的最大问题就是如何卖出这些垃圾股,从而获利。 但是,这对...
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“The Wolf of Wall Street” is the story of Jordan Belfort, who pleaded guilty in 1999 to charges of stock market manipulation and fraud as the head of a bogus “firm” selling penny-stocks to suckers. Scorsese puts his film in Belfort’s pocket, and Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio, in a c...
Behind Belfort’s wild success and incredible wealth is a burning passion for sales. Whether it was selling penny stocks over the phone or handling enormous accounts, the driving force for Belfort’s success is his passion for closing sales. To Belfort and his team, selling was more than a ...
《华尔街之狼The Wolf of Wall Street》电影的主角「乔登贝尔福」,他曾被「富比士杂志」誉为「股票市场的罗宾汉」。巅峰时期在 3 小时内赚进 2,200 万美元 (约 6.6 亿元台币),是个华尔街奇才,也是呼风唤雨的券商之王,22 岁入行,四年之间,年仅 26 岁就为自己赚到了数千万美元的财富,号称「华尔街之狼」。
The.Wolf.of.Wall.Street.2013.华尔街之狼英文对白.pdf,国民网校-aBookZ The.Wolf.of.Wall.Street.2013.华尔街之狼 The.Wolf.of.Wall.Street.2013.华尔街之狼 The world of investing can be a jungle. 投资界就像丛林[00:46] Bulls. Bears. 牛市 熊市[00:50] Danger at eve
You mailed in my company a postcard a few weeks back, requesting information on penny stocks that had huge upside potential with very little downside risk. Does that ring a bell? John: Yeah, I may have sent something. Jordan Belfort: Okay, great. The reason for the call today, John, ...
s portrayal of Belfort begins as a wide-eyed freshman; a newbie to the financial world. After meeting with a very charismatic stockbroker Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey), Belfort resorts to trading penny stocks to get his taste of the fast-paced world of trading. With his natural salesmanship...
Belfort committed illegal activities as the founder of Stratton Oakmont, which ultimately sent him to prison. Stratton Oakmont participated in several frauds, includingpump-and-dump schemesto artificially inflate the price of penny stocks. The firm was a type ofboiler room, with a team that pressur...
Assembling a team of greedy pals - including Jonah Hill's toothsome dufus - his business grows and grows until the cabal are pulling in millions, with scant regard for the leonardo DiCaprio is young, budding stockbroker Jordan Belfort who turns to trading penny stocks after being fired from ...