The meaning of WOLF is any of several large predatory canids (genus Canis) that are active mostly at night, live and hunt in packs, and resemble the related dogs; especially : gray wolf. How to use wolf in a sentence.
Fear and violence spawn dreams as readily as kings or commoners, and the Redcaps are the kithain most closely tied to nightmares. They gain their name from their traditional headwear - a white cap, dyed red in their victims' blood. They are quick to ange
Previouslyonteenwolf... 《少狼》前情提要 SothatputsMattatthesceneofthreemurders. 这样马特就在三场谋杀案中都在场了 Weknowit'sMatt. 我们知道就是马特 Justdowhathesays. 他说什么就做什么 What,areyougonnakilleveryoneinhere? 什么你要杀了这儿的所有人吗 It'swhatJackson'sfor. 那是杰克逊的作用 Yourmo...