Create a new MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico simulation project, run it in your browser and share your code and schematics.
Wokwi is an online simulator for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, and ESP32 boards, or even your own custom microcontroller board designed to learn programming without the actual hardware. My girlfriend’s daughter has just attended afree 5-day online course about AI, IoT, ESP32, MicroPython, and...
很简单,首先打开Wokwi的网站 Wokwi – Online Arduino and ESP32 SimulatorArduino Simulator: Uno, Mega, ESP32, FastLED, LCD1602, Servo, Raspberry Pi Pico, Sensors. Designed for makers, by makers.二、选择Micropython ESP32进行开发 附上ESP32开发板的针脚图: 三、然后进到如下开...
rp2040js Raspberry Pi Pico Emulator for the Wokwi Simulation Platform. It blinks, runs Arduino code, and even the MicroPython REPL!Online examplesIf you are just looking to play around with the Raspberry Pi Pico Simulator, check out the Wokwi Simulator:...
Here are some quick examples of things you can make with Wokwi: Arduino Uno "Hello World" Blink an LED on ESP32 Monitor the weather on ATtiny85 Control 32 Servos with Arduino Mega Animate an LED Matrix with FastLED 7 Segment Counter with MicroPython on Pi Pico ...
IoT and Embedded System Simulator: ESP32, STM32, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, displays, sensors, motors and WiFi simulation.
Wokwi 是一个在线硬件仿真平台Wokwi – Online ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator,旨在帮助电子爱好者、学生和专业人士进行嵌入式系统开发和学习。用户可以在 Wokwi 平台上模拟和调试各种硬件设备,包括 Arduino、ESP8266、Raspberry Pi 等,而无需实际硬件。以下是关于 Wokwi 平台的一些特点和功能: ...