要开始新的仿真项目,请打开Raspberry Pi Pico CircuitPython 项目实例。 项目的工程结构 CircuitPython项目必须包含一个code.py文件。此文件中的代码将在你开始仿真时执行。 Wokwi将所有项目文件复制到Pico的falsh文件系统中。这意味着你的项目可以包含额外的Python模块,你可以从code.py或交互式REPL导入它们。你的项目...
你可以在Wokwi上创建和运行MicroPython项目。Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython 工程样例帮助你快速开始。 项目的工程结构 所有的MicroPython项目必须包含一个main.py文件。当你开始仿真时,MicroPython将自动从main.py加载和执行代码。 Wokwi将所有项目文件复制到Pico的falsh文件系统中。这意味着你的项目可以包括额外的Pytho...
Create a new MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico simulation project, run it in your browser and share your code and schematics.
So that may explainWokwi‘s popularity and it looks like a great platform for education with support for several Arduino boards (Uno, Mega, Nano), the Raspberry Pi Pico, and a generic ESP32 board programmed either with Arduino or MicroPython. It’s also possible to addcustom boardsso it’...
Wokwi – Online Arduino and ESP32 SimulatorArduino Simulator: Uno, Mega, ESP32, FastLED, LCD1602, Servo, Raspberry Pi Pico, Sensors. Designed for makers, by makers. https://wokwi.com/二、选择Micropython ESP32进行开发 附上ESP32开发板的针脚图: ...
If you want to develop your own application using the Raspberry Pi Pico simulator, the following examples may be helpful:Blink LEDs with RP2040js, from scratch - Press "Run" and patiently wait for the code to compile ;-) Run the demo project...
wokwi-pi-pico参考 Raspberry Pi Pico,RP2040微控制器板,具有双核ARM Cortex-M0+处理器,264k内部RAM,灵活可编程I/O(PIO)功能。 引脚名称 引脚GP0到GP22是数字GPIO引脚。引脚GP26、GP27和GP28是具有模拟输入功能的数字GPIO引脚。 NameDescriptionAnalog input channel...
开发、调试Raspberry Pi Pico的PIO状态机 查看SCL/SDA信号来学习I2C协议 Logic Analyzer: I2C protocol signals decoded in PulseView 特点 Wokwi逻辑分析仪有8个数字通道,称为D0到D7。它的采样率为1GHz,这对大多数应用程序来说应该绰绰有余。 每个通道都有一个指示灯,每当通道上有活动时,LED就会变成绿色。指...
Develop and debug PIO machines for theRaspberry Pi Pico Learn about the I2C protocol by looking at the SCL/SDA signals Logic Analyzer: I2C protocol signals decoded in PulseView Features The Wokwi Logic Analyzer has 8 digital channels, called D0 to D7. It has a sample rate of 1GHz, whi...