可以仿真Arduino多数开发板 可以学习项目 可以用代码编辑 元器件非常多 tinkercad优点: 只能仿真Arduino UNO开发板 可以学习项目 可以使用代码编辑和代码块编辑 元器件较多 可以转换成电路图 下载wokwi:Wokwi - Online ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator
Wokwi is an online Electronics simulator. You can use it to simulate Arduino, ESP32, STM32, and many other popular boards, parts and sensors. Here are some quick examples of things you can make with Wokwi: Arduino Uno "Hello World" Blink an LED on ESP32 Monitor the weather on ATtiny8...
探索发现:Wokwi 实用工具介绍 Wokwi 是一个在线硬件仿真平台Wokwi – Online ESP32, STM32, Arduino Simulator,旨在帮助电子爱好者、学生和专业人士进行嵌入式系统开发和学习。用户可以在 Wokwi 平台上模拟和调试各种硬件设备,包括 Arduino、ESP8266、Raspberry Pi 等,而无需实际硬件。以下是关于 Wokwi 平台的一些...
wokwi-arduino-uno参考 Arduino Uno是Arduino家族中最受欢迎的板卡。它由ATmega328p芯片供电,该芯片具有32K字节的Flash程序内存、2k字节的SRAM和1K字节的EEPROM。 引脚名称 引脚0到13是数字GPIO引脚。引脚A0至A5除了是数字GPIO引脚外,还兼作模拟输入引脚。 有三个接地引脚:GND.1,在板的顶部,在引脚13旁边,GND....
https://wokwi.com/arduino/libraries/FastLED and manymore. Bottom line is that the Wokwi Arduino simulator makes learning easier with the ample amount of good examples provided to get one started🏇. PS: Step 5: Arduino UNO, Arduino Mega, Arduino Nano? - All Ready to Compile 😎 ...
The library focuses on simulating theATmega328p, which is the MCU used by the Arduino Uno. However, the code is built in a modular way, and is highly configurable, making it possible to simulate many chips from the AVR8 family, such as the ATmega2560 and the ATtiny series: ...
Wokwi is an online simulator for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, and ESP32 boards, or even your own custom microcontroller board designed to learn programming without the actual hardware. My girlfriend’s daughter has just attended afree 5-day online course about AI, IoT, ESP32, MicroPython, and...
Online 🌐Arduino Simulator From Wokwi for Teachers👨🏽🏫, Students👨🏽🎓👩🏽🎓 and Enthusiasts - 2020 🧙🏽♀️💛: During this tough time due to COVID 19, buying/sourcing the components are challenging. Also, th
基于Arduino的步进电机速度与位置控制实践 实践目的 通过实践掌握使用Arduino和AccelStepper库控制步进电机的基本方法,实现根据模拟输入(电位器)动态调整电机的目标位置和加速度,进一步理解步进电机的工作原理及其在开环控制系统中的应用。 实践设备 Arduino开发板(如Arduino Uno) ...
IoT and Embedded System Simulator: ESP32, STM32, Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico, displays, sensors, motors and WiFi simulation.