History is far too complicated and far too messy to be oversimplified by Marx and his ilk or you. Marx thought capitalism would collapse during his life time. So much for his predictions. So I reiterate: philosophy is bollocks. Interesting to think about, useless in actual scie...
Johnbias,censorship,delusions,discrimination,Elitism,Free Speech,Freedom,Global Power,government,history,Human Capabilities,Life,lying,marxism,patriotism,patterns,people,politics,predictions,racism,socialism,terrorism,WEF,wokeLeave a commentFebruary 22, 20256 Minutes AOTW He has mayors like this who don’t k...
The term "awake", however, is used by opponents of the woke and politically correct ideology to differentiate themselves from the supporters and spokespersons of the latter, hence the slogan "Awake, not woke", started by President Donald J. Trump and Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis. ...
while DeSantis believes equity is a word used by non-conservatives to “smuggle in their ideology”—which is exactly what right-wingers are doing with legislation like this—and he believes it’s a term “we don’t need to have” anymore. ...
The actual examples provided, though, are indeed interesting: This seems silly, right? I mean, sure, fossil fuels have had negative impact on the environment and it makes sense to seek less destructive alternatives. But it’s hardly difficult to make an argument that, on balance, they have ...
they could find all the damn drama they can use in CJ Cherryh’s “Merchanter” series – future history all mapped out, huge social issues to discuss, ships with real limitations/features and tec diversity, actual languages for several species, some of which are non-bipedal and one an ap...
How convenient for the speaker, who happened to be the President of the most powerful country in the history of the world. In less flowery language, he could have said, “Just do what I tell you.” Such sentiments have prevailed for thousands of years, but the Founders of the country th...
The ‘literal Nazi’ term is simply because I reckon CSJ bods/The Woke aren’t quite yet comfortable with calling their victims ‘literal demons’. Nazi’s are I guess the next nearest thing we have to demons, and so that will have-to-suffice. The problem is, such terms get over-...
Whether they are doing so out of a sense of ideology or simply for their own short term gain, they know exactly what they are doing. But, they still share the unit identity which was instilled in the members of the military. Call it the “Band of Brothers” identit...
There we enter into the heart of the mystery: It is not catechesis in the somewhat overbearing sense of the term, I speak rather of initiation, that is to say that the wager or the presupposition which is ours is to say that in order to enter into the understanding of the cathedral, ...