WOJNA W UKRAINIE A POLITYKA SPOECZNA: USUGI SPOECZNE W WARUNKACH STANU WOJENNEGOdoi:10.5604/01.3001.0054.4946The article concerns the issue of providing social services under martial law in Ukraine. The system of social services in modern Ukraine has a complex organization...
Wojna w Ukrainie w publicystyce Justyny Kopińskiej, czyli jak (nie)pisa o wojniedoi:10.15290/bsl.2024.24.03The article analyses Justyna Kopi艅ska's collection of reportage and feature articles. The author focuses on the way the war in Ukraine was textualised during the ...
In conclusion, in a synthetic approach, it identifies the specificity of future wars in the confrontation with the war of 2022.Lewicki, WiesawStudies in Politics & Society / Polityka & Spoeczeństwo
Wojna z wglem czy wojna o wgiel? Dylemat polskiej polityki wglowej na tle konfliktu w Ukrainiedoi:10.33223/zn/2023/05Processes of decarbonization of European Union economy started last century began in another political reality. Fight against climate warming was directed towards fi...
Wojna jako konflikt interesów. Stanowisko wybranych ruchów radykalnej lewicy wobec wojny w Ukrainiedoi:10.33896/SPolit.2022.66.14UKRAINELEFT-wing extremismCRITICAL analysisATTITUDE (Psychology)MAOISMHYPOTHESISThe subject of the article is an analysis of the attitude of selected r...
Selected elements of the analysis of the decision-making process related to the issues of the politics of memory, Eastern policy as well as European policy were also used.GARCZEWSKI, KRZYSZTOFPrzeglad Zachodni