Wojna w Ukrainie w publicystyce Justyny Kopińskiej, czyli jak (nie)pisa o wojniedoi:10.15290/bsl.2024.24.03The article analyses Justyna Kopi艅ska's collection of reportage and feature articles. The author focuses on the way the war in Ukraine was textualised during the ...
WOJNA W UKRAINIE A POLITYKA SPOECZNA: USUGI SPOECZNE W WARUNKACH STANU WOJENNEGOdoi:10.5604/01.3001.0054.4946The article concerns the issue of providing social services under martial law in Ukraine. The system of social services in modern Ukraine has a complex organization...
Wojna z wglem czy wojna o wgiel? Dylemat polskiej polityki wglowej na tle konfliktu w Ukrainiedoi:10.33223/zn/2023/05Processes of decarbonization of European Union economy started last century began in another political reality. Fight against climate warming was directed towards fi...
In conclusion, in a synthetic approach, it identifies the specificity of future wars in the confrontation with the war of 2022.Lewicki, WiesawStudies in Politics & Society / Polityka & Spoeczeństwo
Wojna jako konflikt interesów. Stanowisko wybranych ruchów radykalnej lewicy wobec wojny w Ukrainiedoi:10.33896/SPolit.2022.66.14UKRAINELEFT-wing extremismCRITICAL analysisATTITUDE (Psychology)MAOISMHYPOTHESISThe subject of the article is an analysis of the attitude of selected r...
Selected elements of the analysis of the decision-making process related to the issues of the politics of memory, Eastern policy as well as European policy were also used.GARCZEWSKI, KRZYSZTOFPrzeglad Zachodni