wojak soy boy chad sleek n tears wojak brainlet pink wojak moon bonk wojak fat with wojak in brain wojak wagie sniffing pink wojak of biz wojak doomer in room stormy night wojak soy boy going extremely fast wojak catholic priest pink wojak turtle wojak stage 5.5 cracked doomer...
Scary Face, es una variante deWojakcon una sonrisa anormalmente grande y ojos negros y brillantes. Su primera publicación conocida fue en4chanen 2018 y, a partir de la década de 2020, el personaje se asoció estrechamente con el meme deCompás Políticoy otros formatos deWojak Comics...
meme币热潮!WOJAK暴涨11340%上架抹茶 Chad也窜起 摘要 加密市场在板块轮动的趋势下,土狗和迷因开始获得市场资金青睐,其中以「PEPE(佩佩蛙)」的迷因币领涨整个迷因市场,而WOJAK、Chad等传统知名迷因也随之窜起。 币圈子(120Btc.com)讯:随着加密市场回暖,并且在板块轮动的趋势下,土狗和迷因项目近期似乎受市场追捧。最...
A meme factory The generator of Wojaks ! For creating meme or just for the beauty of the art ! Doomer, Coomer, Oomer, Feels man, Groomer, Rage, NPC, Grey Chad, they're all here ! Use the ready made layers or import your own images, save or export your work and let the creativit...
meme币热潮!WOJAK暴涨11340%上架抹茶 Chad也窜起 区小号(quxiaohao.com)讯:随着加密市场回暖,并且在板块轮动的趋势下,土狗和迷因项目近期似乎受市场追捧。最突出的就是名为「PEPE(佩佩蛙)」的迷因币上线之今已暴涨上千倍,并同时带动了衍生的许多迷因币种。
culture, with variants in which the two agree on a certain topic and others in which the doomer girl prefers to date a character calledChad(a name borrowed from one of the darkest and most misogynistic online communities, the incel), generally bolder and "manlier", with a defined social ...
While wojaks began as a way for an online user to represent themselves as an anonymous, regular person, later variations of wojaks are almost exclusively meant to mock others instead. It's interesting how the Chad is replacing the original wojak too, because Chad in a meme usually is use...