ダウンロードWO Mic[JA] Pobierz WO Mic[PL] Download WO Mic[NL] App specs License Free Version Platform Windows Other platforms (2) OS Windows Vista Language English Downloads 355K Last month's downloads 7K Developer Beijing Wolicheng Technology Co., Ltd. ...
WO Micis aMP3 and Audioapplication like Effectrix, DJ Audio Edito, and Virtual Studio from Wolicheng Tech. It has a simple and basic user interface, and most importantly, it is free to download. WO Mic is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users. WO Micis a v...
If you have a Windows PC then you can either download the Wo Mic App on Play Store, App Store, or directly on their website. Do the same on your computer and download the client made for the PC platform on the relevant website. Running the setup is really easy. Wo Mic Device driver...
WO Mic - FREE microphoneHome > WO Mic > Download Introduction Download Quick start References FAQ ContactDownload and installYou need to install software on both phone and PC to use WO Mic. Below sections suppose you are running Windows operating system on PC. If you are running Linux, refer...
软件官网:https://wolicheng.com/womic/download.html 包含Windows 和Android/IOS的安装包 目前官方安卓版本是4_7_1.apk除了手机端调节麦克风音量大小,并无其他限制 再提供一个Mod版本 WO Mic v4.6.5 [Pro] 解除所有限制 https://hostapk.com/wo-mic/ ...
WO Mic can turn your phone to be a microphone for your computer. You need not to pay any cents to buy a gadget. And it's mobile if you choose wireless transport. Millions of people have installed it and are using it daily for talking, recording, voice remote control and many other ...
第一款:WO Mic-手机变电脑麦克风 这个软件可以将咱们的手机充当电脑麦克风,也算是个应急措施,而且手机内置的麦克风拾音降噪效果也是非常好的。 只需要在电脑和手机上同时安装 WO Mic ,就可以将手机变成你电脑的麦克风。 音质、延迟、易用性都不用担心:
WO Mic是一款可以直接将安卓手机变成电脑麦克风的软件,能够直接快速进行语音聊天和录制,快速识别。就像真的麦克风设备一样!软件支持通过蓝牙,usb,wifi,热点等多种方式链接,设置简单,无需复杂操作,链接也几乎没有延迟。
问题原因:Windows 7 SP1只支持SHA-1签名算法,WO Mic使用的SHA-2签名算法,导致系统无法验证这个证书。解决办法:微软官网下载KB3033929更新包,更新后即可解决。Windows 7 X64的地址https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46148其他系统自行微软官网搜索下载即可。 贴吧用户_QAV2EbN 默默无闻 1...
天极下载站[mydown.yesky.com]★WO Mic Client软件图集频道,提供WO Mic Clientwindows客户端截图、WO Mic Client界面图片、WO Mic Client官方图活动图宣传图内容图等图集分享,还有WO Mic Client官方最新版一键下载服务,您也可以通过搜索查找更多的软件信息。找软件、查软