There’s no contest for this WMV player for Mac. With everything that Elmedia Player offers, it’s already worth downloading right away. But it gets even better.For under $20, you can unlock advanced features that take your viewing experience to a different level.Take a look inside Elmedia...
不幸的是,您也不能使用 Windows Media Player 在 Mac 上观看 .wmv 文件,因为 Microsoft 已经停止支持和更新适用于 Mac OS X 的 Windows Media Player。那么究竟如何才能在 Mac 上播放 .wmv 文件呢?有下面2种方式。一种是将 WMV 转换为其他格式,如 MP4、MOV,Mac 上的媒体播放器可以支持这些格式;另一种...
二、如果您要播放的不只是单独的.wma或.WMV格式的文件,如Keynote或PPT或者网页中的.wma和.WMV文件。那么推荐下载Flip4Mac Studio Pro HD for Mac windows媒体播放器下载:软件名称:Flip4Mac Player for mac V3.3.2.18 苹果电脑版软件大小:33.9MB更新时间:2014-12-25 Flip4Mac 的强大在于它...
SPlayer for Mac 射手影音播放器下载: 二、如果您要播放的不只是单独的.wma或.WMV格式的文件,如Keynote或PPT或者网页中的.wma和.WMV文件。 那么推荐下载Flip4Mac Studio Pro HD for Mac windows媒体播放器下载: Flip...
Download Flip4Mac WMV Player for Mac free. Flip4Mac, you can play Windows Media files (.wma and .wmv) in QuickTime.
5、ABDIO Free WMV Player 这是一个免费,简单和干净的windows播放器能够播放WMV文件格式。该程序在资源使用方面相对较少。您可以使用嵌入式浏览器打开WMV文件。缺点是,这个程序在播放视频文件时有点不稳定。四、5个评价最好的MAC视频播放器 1、MPlayerX 这是最流行和排名最高的Mac视频播放器之一,它简单,免费,...
作为微软创建的一种视频格式,WMV格式主要用于微软旗下的WINDOWS系统和相关设备上,比如Windows Media Player等。如果你是一名MAC用户,手上有很多WMV格式的文件,你就会发现想要在MAC系统上对它们进行播放相当困难,因为MAC系统并不兼容这种格式。想要快速实现正常的播放和欣赏,你就需要将WMV文件转换为MOV这种MAC系统支持...
Free Mac Media Player, as a multi-purpose media player, can be used as free WMV player as well. It is very applicable for you to view any WMV on Mac. It will solve your problem when you cannot find a perfect player software that can open a WMV file. ...
WMV Player for Mac Here is a list of WMV players for mac you can use to play .wmv file on your Mac computer or laptop. Free WMV Media Players Kodi VLC Media Player for Mac Eltima Elmedia Player ShedWorx Smart Converter 5KPlayer IINA Player Paid WMV Media Player Switch Player WMV player...
Download and install Windows Media Player for Mac. To view the WMV file, just launch the media player, select "File," "Open", choose the WMV file and click "OK" to load the movie. Click the "Play" button on the bottom of the screen and the video file begins to play....