en-de 30.0M 12.73M 8.18MTable 3: Sacre-BLEU on the validation sets of Sub-Task 1 (Naive TS) of the WMT’22 Translation Suggestion Task. Method En-De De-En En-Zh Zh-En TSMind 45.90 43.37 30.21 28.77 -w/o first-phase training 37.14 33.23 21.20 16.44 -w/o second-phase training 37....
Based on the official automatic scores of constrained systems, in terms of the sacreBLEU shown in Figure-1, we got the 1st place on {Zh-En (33.5), En-Zh (49.7), De-En (33.7), En-De (37.8), Cs-En (54.9), En-Cs (41.4) and En-Ru (32.7)}, 2nd place on {Ru-En (45.1) ...