src=en# 源语言为英文tgt=de# 目标语言是德语lang=en-de# 语言对为英德prep=$OUTDIR# 文件夹前缀为$OUTDIRtmp=$prep/tmp# 文件夹$OUTDIR内有一个tmp文件夹orig=orig# orig=origdev=dev/newstest2013# 开发集使用newstest2013mkdir-p$orig$tmp$prep# 递归创建上面定义的文件夹,包括orig文件夹,$OUTDIR/tm...
How to reproduce the result of WMT14 en-de on transformer BASE model? · Issue #346 · pytorch/fairseq/346 这里面有现成的参数可以用。 其实fairseq issue里面有很多有用的东西 需要找内容的时候可以搜一波。发布于 2020-10-21 11:32 推荐阅读 教你用PyTorch玩转Transformer英译中翻译模型! hemi... ·...
root, "newstest2013.tok.bpe.33708.en"), os.path.join(args.root, "")) } datasets = load_dataset( 'wmt14ende', data_files=data_files, splits=('train', 'dev')) if use_all_vocab: src_vocab = Vocab.load_vocabulary(**datasets[0].vocab_info["all"])...
I want to replicate the WMT14 en-de translation result on transformer BASE model of the paper "attention is all you need". Following the last instructions here, I downloaded and preprocessed the data. Then I trained the model with this: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python data...
1.5 版本。 相关代码地址: ...
anymore ['enɪmɔ:] adv. 不再,再也不 member [ˈmembə] n. 成员,会员 pressure ['preʃə(r)] n. 压力 compete [kəm'pi:t] v. 比赛,竞争 opinion [əˈpɪnjən] n. 意见,想法,看法 skill...
State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said during the meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that bilateral relations between China and the United States in the past few years have suffered an all-round impact due to the wrong...
"src":"/data/lisatmp4/subramas/datasets/nmt/en-fr/data/", 13 "trg":"/data/lisatmp4/subramas/datasets/nmt/en-fr/data/", 14 "test_src":"/data/lisatmp4/subramas/datasets/nmt/en...
今日干货 “generalize ['dʒenərəlaiz] ” 常见的用法有哪些 generalize做及物动词时: • 对…进行概括,从…概括出一般规律: Eg:to help the student generalize what he has learned 帮助学生对他所学过的内容进行归纳 • 从…引出一般性结论,归...