1 能耗模型分析 通常WSNs节点的能量大部分消耗在无线数据收发过程中,分布呈“聚集”状态,可以忽略数据采集和处理能耗。而WMSNs节点因为要采集图像、音频、视频等大数据量的多媒体信息,大大增加了数据采集和处理的能耗,能耗分布呈“均匀”状态。因此需要结合WMSNs节点的能耗分布特点,对“无线传输”和“信号处理”的能耗进...
Unlike the traditional Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) which aims at the maximization of network lifetime, the main objective of WMSNs is an optimized multimedia data delivery along with the minimization of energy consumption. The major aspect in the WMSNs is the removal of redundant data before...
2,针对煤矿井下传感数据业务,语音业务和视频业务对传输时延,传输丢包率和传输能耗不同的服务质量需求,提出了一种煤矿井下WMSNs区分服务的路由协议.通过采用线性加权... 尤凯明 - 北京交通大学 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 无线多媒体传感器网络路由算法研究 WMSNs中存在多种类型的业务,且各业务对服务质量的要求各不相...
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking All Volumes & Issues Open Access Next Generation Wireless Medical Sensor Networks (WMSNs) for IoT-based eHealth ServicesISSN: 1687-1499 (Online) In this topical collection (8 articles) Research 5G wireless P2MP backhaul security protocol:...
Since WMSNs are battery-constrained, the algorithm should take into consideration energy-efficiency as well. In this paper, we present a scheduling algorithm that takes into account the promptness of real-time multimedia streaming. The algorithm divides the frame into slots and assigns the slots to...
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