Thismustbeinthefirst. 2marksPropersentenceconstruction,correctspellingandpunctuation,gives theinformationaskedfor. 1markReasonablesentenceconstruction,1-3errorsofpunctuationand/or spellingwithoutobscuringmeaning,givesallormostoftheinformationaskedfor. 0marksMorethan3errorsofpunctuationand/orspelling,AND/ORdoesnot gi...
Band6Expressionunclear;flawedsentenceconstructionandorder.Persistentseriouserrors 1–2interferewiththeconveyingofmeaning. Band7ProblemsofexpressionandaccuracyaretooserioustogainamarkinBand6. 0 ©CambridgeInternationalExaminations2013 Page4MarkSchemeSyllabusPaper IGCSE–October/November2013050032 Thequestionismarkedoutof...
18. A device, as claimed in claim 16, wherein also: Owner/User can store into internal memory a programming for three (3) daily times for the device to automatically enter this mode during the normal working week meaning that time normally considered to be beginning at midnight on each Sun...
The combination of the idea of star and the image of the tree of life suggests an interesting cluster of meaning associated with the djed. Even more interesting, 417, in Hebrew, is the value for Noah’s Arc. The djed is an object that can safely carry us through the vast waters from...