Use this property if you want to test your plugin in any non-IDEA JetBrains IDE such as WebStorm or Android Studio. Empty value means that the IDE that was used for compiling will be used for running/debugging as well. Acceptable Values: path - '/Applications/Android'Default Va...
插件DSL正在孵化(incubating)中,请注意,在以后的Gradle版本中,DSL和其它配置可能会改变. 新的插件DSL提供了更为简洁,方便的方式来声明插件的依赖关系。它的适用于与新的Gradle Plugin Portal,同时提供了方便的核心和社区插件.该插件脚本块配置PluginDependenciesSpec的实例. 要应用的核心插件,可以使用短名称: Example 21...