加权最⼩均⽅误差(weightedminimummeansquareerror,WMMSE )算法加权最⼩均⽅误差(weighted minimum mean square error, WMMSE )算法[1]⼀、问题描述 考虑MIMO系统中的下⾏链路,基站发射天线数为,⽤户数为,每个⽤户的接收天线数为。⽤户的MIMO信道记为,则其在采样时间时的接受信号可以表⽰为...
GitHub - FenghaoZhu/R-WMMSE: This is the code implementation for the R-WMMSE algorithm. 这个是代码实现 09-20· 浙江 回复喜欢 徐州丰县人 对于输出为实数的复函数求其变量共轭转置得到驻点,所以(19)有些错误。 2023-12-31· 北京 回复喜欢 推荐阅读 【最优传输的应用】Learning to Co...
A modified WMMSE algorithm that incorporates such factors is proposed. We evaluate the performance of the proposed WMMSE algorithm using a time division duplexing (TDD) LTE simulation platform, and show that our practice-oriented design can improve the system throughput by 3 ~ 30% in comparison ...
solution, we\npropose a scheme based on the minimization of the weighted mean square error,\nwhich achieves performance reasonably close to the optimum and allows to\nclearly outperforms a conventional orthogonal multiple access approach.\nNumerical results assess the effectiveness of our algorithm.Fab...
This library contains the code for the research paperCoordinated Multicell MU-MIMO Beamforming Using Deep WMMSE Algorithm Unrolling. Requirements Python 3.9 PyTorch 1.10.0 (newer version might lead to errors) tensorboard 2.7.0 numpy 1.21.4
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Based on alternation direction method of multipliers(ADMM), the proposed algorithm can solve the optimal precoder in a distributed manner. With asynchronous information exchange mechanism considered, the convergence rate of our algorithm can be accelerated further. Numerical results demonstrate the increase...