return getInfo("wmic diskdrive get serialnumber"); } 最后在构造函数中引用如上函数: 首先构造界面布局:(也可以在ui中直接新建布局) //新建布局 QLabel *cpuLabel=new QLabel("CPU:"); QLineEdit *cpuLineEdit=new QLineEdit; QLabel *coreLabel=new QLabel("CPU核心数:"); QLineEdit *coreLineEdit=new ...
wmic cpu listbrief>> SysInfo.txt Wmic logicaldisk >> SysInfo.txt wmic volume >> SysInfo.txt wmicbiosget serialnumber >> SysInfo.txt 将上段代码制作成一个.bat文件 然后在桌面直接双击运行即可 然后自动生成了名为SysInfo.txt文件,文件里就是你所需要的系统硬件信息了。
} //查询CPU型号 QString getCpuName() { return getInfo("wmic cpu get Name") } //查询CPU核心数 QString getCpuCore() { return getInfo("wmic cpu get NumberOfCores") } 查询CPU线程数 QString getCpuProcessors() { return getInfo("wmic cpu get NumberOfLogicalProcessors") } //查询CPU**...
Version,Filename 获得系统进程wmic process list full 注意:这里的full也可以换成brief(简洁) 获得硬件信息(这里以cpu为例)wmic cpu get name,caption,maxclockspeed,description 将结果输出到d盘的1.txt里面wmic /output:D:\1.txt cpu get name wmic 获取硬盘固定分区盘符:wmic log...
::查看工作组/域 wmic computersystem get domain ::更改计算机名abc为123 wmic computersystem where "name='abc'" call rename 123 ::更改工作组google为MyGroup wmic computersystem where "name='google'" call joindomainorworkgroup "","","MyGroup",1 CPU - CPU 管理 ::查看cpu型号 wmic cpu get ...
QString hardware_info::get_cpu_id() { QStringList arg; arg<<"cpu"<<"get"<<"ProcessorID"; QString result=run_process(arg); result= result.remove("PROCESSORID").trimmed();returnresult; } QString hardware_info::get_harddisk_id() ...
Java library for get information about system: Operating System, CPU, Memory, Network, Disk, Services, Process and Programs (windows, mac os, linux) javawmicsysteminfo UpdatedJan 11, 2023 Java 💻 🔑 Find and report all PCs in Inventory with a smartcard reader installed ...
介绍会议电视终端的命令。 audm GetWmicDataInfo 命令功能 获取无线阵列MIC信息。 命令格式 audm GetWmicDataInfo 参数说明 无 使用实例 例如: audm GetWmicDataInfo ---MicId: 0--- ulMatchCpuId: 131330 bNotifyDspReady: 0 bRcvDspReady: 0 bNotifyWmaSndData: 0 ulRcvPktLen: 0 ulRcvTotalPkt: 0 u...
audm GetWmicDataInfo Parameters None Examples audm GetWmicDataInfo ---MicId: 0--- ulMatchCpuId: 131330 bNotifyDspReady: 0 bRcvDspReady: 0 bNotifyWmaSndData: 0 ulRcvPktLen: 0 ulRcvTotalPkt: 0 ulRcvPktOk: 0 ulRcvInvalidPkt: 0 ulSend2DspOk: 0 ulSend2DspFailed: 0 ulRcvTotalBytes...
Wmic——精选推荐 Wmic Wmic WMIC扩展WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation,Windows管理⼯具),提供了从命令⾏接⼝和批命令脚本执⾏系统管理的⽀持wmic 分可交互和⾮交互操作 1. ⾮交互wmin后直接跟命令的wmic nicconfig get macaddress 2. 交互的C:\Users\admin>wmic进⼊交互模式wmic:root\cli>/...