无论您是一家初创公司还是一家全球领先的医疗器械制造上市公司,WMFTS 都可凭借丰富的经验,通过调整产品和服务帮助您快速实现产品上市。与我们合作可帮助您降低监管和质量合规风险;建立长期的品牌市场价值。 为OEM 提供精密性能和简单集成功能 Watson-Marlow 面板安装泵采用我们的下一代闭环控制技术,可提供增强的速度控制...
WMFTS 隶属于 Spirax 集团,正在实施该集团的“一个星球”战略,这是我们建设更可持续未来的路线图。
nous vous fournissons plus que nos technologies éprouvées. Nous travaillons ensemble, en partenariat, et nous vous donnons accès à un réseau mondial d’ingénieurs spécialisés dans l’industrie
Whether you are a start-up or a leading listed global medical device manufacturing company, WMFTS has a proven capability of aligning its product and services to your market requirements. Partnering with us can help with your regulatory and quality compliance risks; building your brand market value...
Partnering with our specialist peristaltic, component and single-use experts means we can develop efficient, reliable fluid transfer solutions, specific to your process. As the only peristaltic pump manufacturer in the world to also manufacture tubing, you can trust the performance of our engineering....
We are pleased to announce that Stuart Roby has been appointed as Managing Director of WMFTS. News/Insight News Bredel hose pumps reduces environmental impact Bredel hose pumps has switched its painting process from solvent-based paints to waterborne paints ...
Lauren, Web Assistant at WMFTS “You come into work every day and you know that you are working towards something that is going to make a difference.” Christian, Sustainability Coordinator “Watson-Marlow offers an opportunity to be much closer to the coal face than a lot of other busin...
Website:https://www.wmfts.com/en/ More Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions highlights pumps for seed treatment applications at the 2024 ASTA Seed Expo Date:Dec. 4, 2024 Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions (WMFTS) highlights a wide range of pumps ideal for seed treatment applications....
Lauren, Web Assistant at WMFTS “You come into work every day and you know that you are working towards something that is going to make a difference.” Christian, Sustainability Coordinator “Watson-Marlow offers an opportunity to be much closer to the coal face than a lot of other businesse...
WMFTS 是蠕动泵和相关流体管路技术的制造商,目前正在从广泛的组件库中提供定制设计,以满足客户的规格,并提供一系列标准的即用型一次性组件。 WMArchitect 是一种新的端到端一次性流体管路管理解决方案,包括: 定制设计 - 一次性组件采用定制设计,可满足公司的具体要求。开放式架构模型具有充分的灵活性,可与公司生物...