wm attributes window wm attributes window ?option? wm attributes window ?option value option value...? -disabled -toolwindow -topmost -alpha -transparentcolor -modified -titlepath -alpha -topmost -transparent ico ide 代码 转载 mob604756f2882b 2011-06-14 13:16:00 146阅读 2评论 ...
Return ValueNone.RemarksThere are five ranges of message numbers.Expand table RangeDescription 0 through WM_USER –1 Messages reserved for use by the system. WM_USER through 0x7FFF Integer messages for use by private window classes. WM_APP through 0xBFFF Messages available for use by ...
0xC000 .. 0xFFFF (MAXINTATOM .. MAXWORD): Registered messages. The meanings of these messages is determined by the caller of RegisterWindowMessage. Note that the numerical value of registered messages can change from run to run, so you must use RegisterWindowMessage to obtain the message num...
Used to define private messages for use by private window classes, usually of the form WM\_USER+x, where x is an integer value.
#include "WindowsMsgValueDefine.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { long bInputValid = 1; unsigned short wMsgValue = 0; do { printf("please input windows msg value(0~1023, other value quit program):"); scanf("%hd", &wMsgValue); ...
The WM_USER constant is used by applications to help define private messages, usually of the form WM_USER+X, where X is an integer value.#define WM_USER 0x0400RemarksThere are five ranges of message numbers: Range Meaning 0 through WM_USER – 1 Messages reserved for use...
Return value Remarks Requirements See also Sent to the topmost affected window after an application's input language has been changed. You should make any application-specific settings and pass the message to the DefWindowProc function, which passes the message to all first-level child windows....
Return value Remarks Requirements See also Sent when the size and position of a window's client area must be calculated. By processing this message, an application can control the content of the window's client area when the size or position of the window changes.A...
} return FALSE; } “I send theMDM_SETITEMCOUNTmessage to my dialog, but the value doesn’t stick. At random times, the value resets back to zero.” As we saw some time ago,window messages in theWM_USERrange belong to the window class. In the case of a dialog box, the wi...