应用程序在更改系统参数时应将 WM_SETTINGCHANGE 发送到所有顶级窗口。 (无法将此消息直接发送到窗口。) 若要将 WM_SETTINGCHANGE 消息发送到所有顶级窗口,请使用 SendMessageTimeout 函数,并将 hwnd 参数设置为 HWND_BROADCAST。窗口通过其 WindowProc 函数接收此消息。
WM_SETTINGCHANGE This message is sent by the OS to all top-level windows after a system-wide change has been made. The WM_SETTINGCHANGE message is the same as the older WM_WININICHANGE message. 複製 WM_SETTINGCHANGE wParam = wFlag; lParam = (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) pszSectionName; Parameters wFl...
WM_SETTINGCHANGE 当SystemParametersInfo函数改变一个系统范围内的设置时,系统向所有顶层窗口发送WM_SETTINGCHANGE消息。系统仅在 SystemParametersInfo的调用者指定了SPIF_SENDCHANGE标志时 才发送此消息。应用程序改变系统参数时,可以向所有的顶层窗口发送WM_SETTINGCHANGE消息。例如,您可以在调用theWriteProfil...
这个是注册表修改相关消息。通知注册表己被修改。关心这条消息的程序会截获这条消息并处理。 ..希望您能满意~
使用SetLocaleInfo设置时间后必须调用广播WM_SETTINGCHANGE,通知其他程序格式已经更改 uses messages; Procedure SetDateFormat; //设置系统日期格式var buf:pchar; i:integer; p:DWORD;begin getmem(buf,100); i:=100; //i必须在调用前赋值为buf缓冲区的长度。如果设为0或负值,将取不到设置的值 GetLocaleInfo(...
NativeMethods.WM_SETTINGCHANGE 字段 项目 2013/05/20 本文内容 语法 请参见 此类型具有 SecurityCriticalAttribute 特性,此特性将其限定为只能由 .NET Framework for Silverlight 类库在内部使用。使用此类型的任何成员的应用程序代码将引发 MethodAccessException。命名空间: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Common.Internal 程序...
WM_SETTINGCHANGE wParam = wFlag;lParam = (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)pszSectionName; ParameterswFlag When the system sends the message as a result of a SystemParametersInfo call, this parameter is a flag that indicates the system parameter that was changed. For a list of values, see the SystemParameter...
SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT,LOCALE_SSHORTDATE,pchar('yyyy/MM/dd')); //设置短日期格式 SendMessageTimeOut(HWND_BROADCAST,WM_SETTINGCHANGE,0,0,SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG,10,p);//设置完成后必须调用,通知其他程序格式已经更改,否则即使是程序自身也不能使用新设置的格式 end; end;...
[in] Specifies thelParamof the WM_SETTINGCHANGE message. psai [in] Pointer to aSHACTIVATEINFOstructure. This should be a pointer to the same memory that you pass toSHHandleWMActivate. Return Value This function returns TRUE if it is successful and FALSE if it fails. ...
The following code is an example of a window'sWndProcfunction that includes a case statement for handling theWM_SETTINGCHANGEnotification. LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAMwParam, LPARAMlParam) { switch (message) { // The code for handling other Windows messages has been...