WM_CTLCOLORDLG消息永远不会在线程之间发送。 它仅在一个线程内发送。请注意, WM_CTLCOLORDLG 消息将发送到对话框本身;所有其他 WM_CTLCOLOR* 消息将发送给控件的所有者。如果对话框过程处理此消息,则应将所需的返回值强制转换为 INT_PTR 并直接返回该值。 如果对话框过程返回 FALSE,则执行默认消息处理。
請注意, WM_CTLCOLORDLG 訊息會傳送至對話方塊本身;所有其他 WM_CTLCOLOR* 訊息都會傳送給控制項的擁有者。如果對話方塊程式處理此訊息,它應該會將所需的傳回值轉換成 INT_PTR ,並直接傳回值。 如果對話方塊程式傳回 FALSE,則會執行預設訊息處理。 會忽略 SetWindowLong函式所設定的DWL_MSGRESULT值。
WM_CTLCOLORDLG hdcDlg = (HDC) wParam; hwndDlg = (HWND) lParam; ParametershdcDlg Handle to the device context for the dialog box hwndDlg Handle to the dialog boxReturn ValuesIf an application processes this message, it must return the handle of a brush. The system uses the brush to paint...
WM_CTLCOLORDLG hdcDlg = (HDC)wParam;hwndDlg = (HWND)lParam; ParametershdcDlg Handle to the device context for the dialog box hwndDlg Handle to the dialog boxReturn ValuesIf an application processes this message, it must return the handle of a brush. The system uses the brush to paint the...
DlgHookProc & WM_CTLCOLORDLG Subscribe More actions ahasan Beginner 01-22-2004 07:02 PM 1,523 Views CVF 6.6, Win32 app. -- I created a hook procedure for the Open and Saveas Dlg boxes (Explorer style) to position the Dlg boxes on the screen. The hook proc. works fine ...
WM_CTLCOLORDLG hdcDlg = (HDC) wParam; hwndDlg = (HWND) lParam; ParametershdcDlg Handle to the device context for the dialog box hwndDlg Handle to the dialog boxReturn ValuesIf an application processes this message, it must return the handle of a brush. The system uses the brush to paint...
DlgHookProc & WM_CTLCOLORDLG Subscribe More actions ahasan Beginner 01-22-2004 07:02 PM 1,522 Views CVF 6.6, Win32 app. -- I created a hook procedure for the Open and Saveas Dlg boxes (Explorer style) to position the Dlg boxes on the screen. The hook proc. works fine for...
請注意, WM_CTLCOLORDLG 訊息會傳送至對話方塊本身;所有其他 WM_CTLCOLOR* 訊息都會傳送給控制項的擁有者。如果對話方塊程式處理此訊息,它應該會將所需的傳回值轉換成 INT_PTR ,並直接傳回值。 如果對話方塊程式傳回 FALSE,則會執行預設訊息處理。 會忽略 SetWindowLong函式所設定的DWL_MSGRESULT值。
WM_CTLCOLORDLG hdcDlg = (HDC) wParam; hwndDlg = (HWND) lParam; Parameters hdcDlg Handle to the device context for the dialog box hwndDlg Handle to the dialog box Return Values If an application processes this message, it must return the handle of a brush. The system uses the brush to ...
DlgHookProc & WM_CTLCOLORDLG Subscribe More actions ahasan Beginner 01-22-2004 07:02 PM 1,523 Views CVF 6.6, Win32 app. -- I created a hook procedure for the Open and Saveas Dlg boxes (Explorer style) to position the Dlg boxes on the screen. The hook proc. works fi...