If any git permission errors are encountered, try the following suggestions viathis stackoverflow post. Since the same repo is checked out on both a pi and a laptop/PC, you will need to install an i2c library on the laptop/pc for the software to compile correctly. Thei2cpwm_boardnode is...
WMAgent supports all of the CMSSW ScramArchs, but many of them are in a best effort mode because we do not test the runtime code in software stack different than the COMP one (RHEL7, Python 3.8.2, GCC 6.3.0). Note that our central production jobs are actually executed inside a Sing...
/*CREATESTRUCT * cs = ((CBT_CREATEWND *)lParam)->lpcs; if (!(cs->style & WS_CHILD)...
Created via charity sign up service. www.wmcollege.ac.uk martinj@wmcollege.ac.uk WMCollege Registered charity number 312803 Anonymous "It's the least I can do." Arthur Stackpoole £30.00+ £7.50 Gift Aid "Necessary work" Susan
ED_undosys_stack_memfile_get_active(wm->undo_stack) :NULL;if((U.uiflag2 & USER_KEEP_SESSION) || (undo_memfile !=NULL)) {/* save the undo state as quit.blend */charfilename[FILE_MAX];boolhas_edited;intfileflags = G.fileflags & ~(G_FILE_COMPRESS | G_FILE_AUTOPLAY | G_...
代码示例,注意下面的代码可能运行失败,请按照如下设置VS 右键项目名(例如ConsoleApplication123)->属性...
The WMGCP stack adopts layered structure and session state machine, and accomplishes some functions such as individual calling, group calling, full calling, amplifying calling, storage and parse for WMGCP messages. The WMGCP task is created with u.C/OS-II embedded operating system, which shows...
targetStack不等于null,且targetStack是TopStackInDisplayArea或者当前TopDisplayFocusedStack为targetStack,直接调用targetStack的resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked方法,resume最上面的Activity。 stack.topRunningActivity()是调用父类Task的方法 从上往下遍历,如果getFocusedStack不为null,调用resumeTopActivityUncheckedLocked ...
This function instructs the X server to close the display connection of the client that created the selected window. This should only be used as a last resort for shutting down runaway clients. f.downiconmgr This function warps the pointer to the next row in the current icon manger, wrappi...
inty=stack.top(); stack.pop(); // evaluate the expression 'x op y', and push the // result back to the stack if(c=='+'){ stack.push(y+x); } elseif(c=='-'){ stack.push(y-x); } elseif(c=='*'){ stack.push(y*x); ...