Laycock, A.; Walker, D.; Harrison, N.; Brands, J. Researching Indigenous Health: A Practical Guide for Researchers; The Lowitja Institute: Melbourne, Australia, 2011. Barlo, S.; Boyd, W.; Bill, E.; Hughes, M.; Wilson, S.; Pelizzon, A. Yarning as protected space: Relational account...
本次会议面向临床需求、面向学科前沿、面向创新实践,聚焦微创介入医学前沿、磁性材料研发、磁场生物学效应、磁外科技术应用及拓展。陈孝平院士、董家鸿院士、房建成院士、顾宁院士、管晓宏院士、Michael R Harrison教授、蒋庄德院士、李兆申院士、刘昌胜院士、刘允怡院士、Quentin Pankhurst教授、沈保根院士、孙军院士、王秋良院士...
29. Harrison, B.D.; Swanson, M.M.; Fargette, D. Begomovirus coat protein: Serology, variation and functions. Physiol. Mol. Plant Pathol. 2002, 60, 257–271. Viruses 2014, 6 2461 30. Perveen, R.; Fani, I.; Rasheed, I.; Chohan, S.; Rehman, A.; Haider, S. Identification of...
Harrison, Phys. Rev. B 65(22) (2002) 224112-224112. [58] P. Pourghahramani, E. Forssberg, Int. J. Miner. Process. 79 (2006) 120-139. [59] N.W. Ashcroft, N.D. Mermin, Solid State Physics, Harcourt College Publishing, Fort Worth, 1976. [60] K.H. Kim and J.S. Chun, ...
Harrison´principles of internals medicine, In: Isselbacher, K.J., Braunwald, E., Wilson J.D., et al. pp.1648-1653, Mc-Graw-Hill, ISBN 10: 0071466339, New York Manghat, N.E., Hughes, G.J.M., Cox, I.D., & Roobottom, C.A. (2006). Giant coronary artery aneurysm secondary...
拉蒂默(H.Latimer)主教16世纪中期向爱德华六世布道中,多次怒斥“领主的贪婪”。他指出地租上涨使得面包等价格上涨,百姓基本生活成本增加,苦不堪言。那个时代谴责领主贪婪的著名篇章还有《霍林谢德编年史》(Holinshed’s Chronicles),是教士哈里森(W.Harrison)等根据亲历的见闻写...
论文共同作者、韦尔科姆基金会桑格研究所研究员Ewan Harrison博士说,“利用测序技术,我们追踪了使mecC-MRSA具有抗生素耐药性的基因,并发现它们在19世纪就已经存在。” mecC-MRSA克隆在欧洲和新西兰刺猬中的分布。图片来自Nature, 2022, doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04265-w。
2024-12-17 27:18 ★ME威律动★Joe Dyson - Donald Harrison - Recorded Live in Berlin (Part 1) 2024-12-16 17:07 ★ME威律动★Ele Howell - Christian Scott - Recorded Live in Berlin (Part 1) 2024-12-16 05:52 ★ME威律动★Josh Dion - I Am A Ram (Stephan's Basement) 2024-12-16 ...
Learning Objectives Describe symptoms and factors associated with gender dysphoria DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria In 2013, the diagnosis for gender dysphoria (GD) was renamed fromgender identity disorder(GID) after criticisms that the latter term was stigmatizing. The DSM-5 also moved this diagnosis out...
[7]C.L. Cowan, F. Reines, F.B. Harrison, H.W. Kruse, A.D. McGuire, “Detection of the free neutrino: A confirmation”, Science 124 (1956) 103—104 [8]C.N. Yang, “Fermi’s b-decay theory”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 2...