产生WM_CREATE窗口消息:执行CreateWindow函数时 产生WM_PAINT窗口消息:执行UpdateWindow函数时 在使用者移动窗口或显示窗口时,窗口中先前被隐藏的区域重新可见。 使用者改变窗口的大小(如果窗口类别样式有着CS_HREDRAW和CS_VREDRAW位旗标的设定)。 程序使用ScrollWindow或ScrollDC函数滚动显示区域的一部分。 程序使用Invalidate...
HRESULT WMCreateWriter( [in] IUnknown *pUnkCert, [out] IWMWriter **ppWriter ); Parameters[in] pUnkCertPointer to an IUnknown interface. This value is not used and should be set to NULL.[out] ppWriterPointer to a pointer to the IWMWriter interface of the newly created writer object.Ret...
1. 你主动调用Create去创建窗口 2. 收到WM_CREATE消息,表示有个窗口正在被创建 3. MFC自动调用OnCreate,你可以重载这个函数。比如如果你想在窗口上添加按钮,文本框什么的,可以在OnCreate里做。
WM_CREATE lpcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam; Parameterslpcs Pointer to a CREATESTRUCT structure that contains information about the window being created. The members of CREATESTRUCT are identical to the Parameters of the CreateWindowEx function.Return...
WMCreateStreamForURL函数由应用程序实现,用于为给定 URL 创建 COMIStream对象。 语法 C++ HRESULTWMCreateStreamForURL( _In_ LPCWSTR pwszURL, _Out_ BOOL *pfCorrectSource, _Out_ IStream **ppStream ); 参数 pwszURL[in] 指向包含 URL 的宽字符字符串的指针。
case WM_CREATE: if (FAILED(D2D1CreateFactory(D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE_SINGLE_THREADED, &pFactory))) { return -1; // Fail CreateWindowEx. } DPIScale::Initialize(hwnd); return 0; 若要从鼠标消息中获取 DIP 中的鼠标坐标,请执行以下操作: 使用GET_X_LPARAM和GET_Y_LPARAM宏获取像素坐标。 这些宏在 Windo...
Use the createWMQQueue command to create a queue type destination for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider at a specific scope.
MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSink function MFCreateASFStreamingMediaSinkActivate function MFCreateASFStreamSelector function MFCreatePresentationDescriptorFromASFProfile function MFCreateWMAEncoderActivate function MFCreateWMVEncoderActivate function MFSINK_WMDRMACTION enumeration ...
When submitting pull requests, please reference the issue number. If there is no issue to reference, then create one and wait for a validation of the bug before submitting the pull request. IF YOUR PULL REQUEST DOESN'T REFER TO A VALID ISSUE, IT WILL BE DISCARDED....