职场环境:在谈论一个新项目的启动时,可以说“The project got off to a happy start, with all team members working together smoothly.”(项目以快乐的开始拉开了帷幕,所有团队成员都配合默契。) 生活场景:在描述一次旅行的开始时,可以说“Our trip began with a happy start, as t...
“Exchange ideas with someone”(与某人交换意见):这个短语强调了在交流中分享和讨论观点的重要性。例如,“We often exchange ideas with our team members during meetings.”(我们经常在会议上与团队成员交换意见。) “Communicate effectively with someone”(与某人有效沟通):这个短语强...
Airport informationis available, as are details about local weather at the destination. Where'sthe nearest airport lounge? The app will locate it for you. The SkyTeamairline alliance app goes a step further by letting its SkyPriority members (SkyTeamElite Plus members and customers wit...
例如,在描述季节更替时,可以使用'The alternation of seasons'来表达四季的轮流交替。此外,'alternation'还可以用于描述人员、任务或职责的轮换,如'The alternation of duties among team members'表示团队成员之间职责的轮流交替。 除了'alternation'之外,还有一些其他表达也可以用来描述‘轮流...
'Due to the bad weather, the attendance was lower than expected.'(由于天气恶劣,出席人数低于预期。) 强调出席的重要性: 'Your attendance at the meeting is crucial for the success of the project.'(你出席会议对项目的成功至关重要。) 'We need full attendance from all ...
而在日常对话中,则可能更常说:“Whether we go out for dinner tonight depends on the weather.”(我们今晚是否出去吃饭取决于天气情况)。 为了更全面地了解这些变体在不同语境中的应用,建议阅读英文原版书籍、文章或观看英文影视作品,通过实际的语言环境来加深对它们的理解和运用。 ...
例如,“The success of the project depends on the cooperation of all team members.”(项目的成功取决于所有团队成员的合作。) 在语言学上,'depends on'的同义表达有'hinges on'、'is contingent upon'、'is determined by'等,这些表达都在不同程度上强调了依赖性和条件性。这种语言现...
英文例句:Depending on the weather, we may go for a picnic this weekend. 中文翻译:视天气情况而定,我们这个周末可能会去野餐。 英文例句:The success of the project depends largely on the cooperation of all team members. 中文翻译:项目的成功很大程度上取决于所有团队成员...
They distributed the workload fairly among the team members.(他们公平地在团队成员之间分配了工作量。) 4. 动词(v.) 虽然“fair”作为动词的用法不太常见,但它确实有一些特定的技术或行业相关的含义,如(卡通制作)顺利接合、(飞机)装配平整等。这些用法在日常英语中较为少见,更...
“The opinions of the team members were not identical, but they managed to reach a consensus after discussion.”(团队成员的意见并不完全一致,但经过讨论后他们达成了共识。) ‘不尽相同’与相似英语表达的辨析 在英语学习中,区分相似表达是非常重要的。与“不尽相同”相似的英语表...