Past papers, summary notes and past exam questions by topic for WJEC Chemistry A-Level Unit 2 (CH2)
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GCEinChemistry REVISIONAID UNIT1 Preamble Thisunitbeginswithsomeimportantfundamentalideasaboutatomsandtheuseof themoleconceptincalculations. Threekeyprinciplesgoverningchemicalchangearethenstudied,viz.thepositionof equilibriumbetweenreactantsandproducts,theenergychangesassociatedwitha ...
It makes a real difference. All of year 10 of the new WJEC Dual Award Science course for Wales is covered here. This includes all the biology, chemistry and physics that you need to learn for the summer exam. Review is like having a good teacher who's always there to help and support...