Spell attack modifier = yourproficiency bonus+ yourIntelligencemodifier Ritual Casting You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared. ...
At 10th level,You use your magic to stay more alive in your beast form. Using a 5th-level spell slot, you increase its size, as if it were the enlarge/reduce spell, but you only use the enlargement. Using it, you gain temporary hit points equal to 10 + your Intelligence Modifier +...
Counterspell and Dispel Magic are some of the best Abjuration spells, period. Once you’ve got your level three spells, theDnD character buildstarts working at its best, allowing you to better manipulate battle with your spells. And, of course, you should always takeFireball 5e. It’s a ...
The Chronurgy Wizard’s 6th level feature is an action that lets you stop time for a creature, as long as they’re of LargeDnD sizeor smaller. If your target fails a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC, you can use theMomentary Stasispower to give them theIncapacitated 5econd...
The spell gives disadvantage to it’s saving throw. A number of creatures or objects are immune to this spell = ever 4th wizard Lv + your int mod. Remove the need for vocal, somatic, and material components. Empower the caster, You gain 1d8+Intelligence modifier and have advantage on your...