“The Wizard of Oz” are officially up for auction. NBC’s Emilie Ikeda reports on the shoes that were once stolen and missing for 13 years, and Brian Chaniss, senior director of Hollywood and entertainment at Heritage Auctions, joins TODAY with a close-up look at the iconic memorabi...
Urban legend claims that if you play Pink Floyd’s classic album while watching “The Wizard of Oz,” there’s an incredible synchronicity. Here are the results.
The Wizard of Oz is an annual event with tons of kids/familes. It sells out each year, so get your tix early. It's worth it, especially if you are a fan of the film; the chance to see it on the big screen. The Wonderful Wizardby BodaciousBrenda on 1/1/13Paramount Theatre-...
2573 7区18号 by:重庆森林嘻嘻子渔 1.6万 入门18班 by:131脆脆tracy 208 18. Snacks by:北京阳光博客 9557 2021王一珉18题 by:娜日娜儿 280 L 18-19 by:艾腾双语思维 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 声音主播 柯小童 56923109 TA的专辑 ...
All of our snacks were “in theme” with the movie. We served Emerald City Popcorn, acandy coated popcornthat was supposed to be emerald green and not the ‘snot green’ color. Sorry to be gross, but that is what it looked like. It was completely delicious, however. (Note: I used ...