B One of Hollywood's most popular movies, “The Wizard (男巫) of Oz",came out in 1939. The movie tells the story of Dorothy Gale, a girl about 15,lives on a farm in Kansas, U.S. A., with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. One day a very strong wind hits the house, and carries...
The Wizard of Oz Fantastic tale about a Kansas farm girl who's spirited off to the wondrous land of Oz. The film still tingles with freshness and beauty. Garland is forever memorable as Dorothy Gale, the young girl and the supporting performances of Bolger, Lahr,Haley, Hamilton and Morgan ...
第一篇:The Wizard of OZ“The Wizard of OZ”feelings after reading“The Wizard of OZ” is by The united states, lehman. fei frank. baum book, which is a well-known book, with The fictional land of OZ as The background, tells The united states kansas girl dorothy volume was a tornado...
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" transcends its categorization as a children's book. Its underlying themes resonate with readers of all ages, reminding us of the universal search for self-discovery, the importance of human connection, and the enduring value of home. The book'...
《绿野仙踪》(The Wizard of Oz)是一部1939年上映的美国经典奇幻电影,由维克多弗菜明(Victor Fleming)执导基于美国作家L.Frank Baum的童话小说改编而成。这部电影讲述一位名叫多萝西·盖尔( DorothyGale)的少女,她被一场龙卷风卷到了奇幻的翡翠城市,然后她开始了一场充满奇幻冒险的旅程,以寻找一位巫师,帮助她回到...
who get caught up in a tornado and end up in Oz. The show shines a grittier light on the magical kingdom where D’Onofrio’s wizard will rule with science and a few pacts with witches. After arriving, Gale finds herself with the fate of the kingdom in her hands amid numerous power...
The-Wizardof-OZ绿野仙踪 TheWizardofOZ <ThewizardofOZ>isafull-lengthfairytale,whichiscalledthewesternJourneytotheWest(西方西游记).ThebooktellsanadventurestoryaboutalittlegirlnamedDorothy.DorothyGalewholivesonaKansasfarmwithherAuntEmandUncleHenry,butdreamsofabetterplace "somewhereovertherainbow."L.FrankBaum(...
多萝茜Dorothy Gale
the wonderful wizard of oz主要内容标题:绿野仙踪主要内容 "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" is a classic children's novel written by L. Frank Baum and published in 1900. It tells the story of a young girl named Dorothy Gale who is swept away from her Kansas home by a tornado and lands in ...
The Wizard of Oz: Directed by Victor Fleming, King Vidor. With Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr. Young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto are swept away by a tornado from their Kansas farm to the magical Land of Oz and embark on a quest with